That Kid Who Wouldn't Take The Test

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At the end of the game the outcome was as expected: "The Soviet Union routing Team USA ten to three."

While the team headed back to their locker room Herb and everyone else involved in creating the team was surrounded by reporters who wanted to hear their takes on the match.

"There's always things you can work on. This club's no exception to that.", Herb explained to the reporters: "But I think we're gonna be all right. "

Next to him another reporter was talking to Lou Nanne.

"The Soviet team has been together for ten years. We got a bunch of college kids out there still getting to know each other. They could have won this thing 30 to nothing if they wanted to.", Lou explained.

After Herb heard that he left for the locker room.

A bunch of reporters shouted after him: "Herb, can we talk about tonight's game?"

But Herb ignored them turning to Doc: "How is he?"

"I'm not sure if he needs surgery. I'm hoping it's just a ligament pull, but it could be a tear.", Doc explained to him.

Walter got involved in their conversation: "Look Herb, we got three days until Sweden. Giving him a roster spot's a waste of money."

"Give me a best case there, Doc.", Herb ignored Walter's comment.

Doc turned to Herb: "He'll miss three or four games minimum."

"That's the whole qualifying round.", Walter said.

Herb gave him a look: "The kid's made the team, busted his ass for me for months, and now I gotta send him home, that the deal?"

Then he went into the locker room himself. OC was lying on an exam table and got up when he saw Herb come in.

There was silence for a second before Jack asked: "What did Doc say?"

"He doesn't know yet.", Herb stated: "He's gonna go with you to the hospital and get a picture of your knee taken. Then we'll see."

The two of them shared a look and Herb patted him on the shoulder before he left for the changing room where the rest of the team was sitting.

When he was at Jimmy's stall he said: "Thinking about sitting you down, Jim."

Jimmy was shocked at that and followed him: "What? What are you talking about?"

"Nah, it's not your fault. I played you way too much, you're tired. It's time I gave Janny a look. He's waited seven months.", Herb explained.

But Jimmy wasn't gonna give up that easily: "You're kidding me. Now?"

"Yeah, of course I mean now.", Herb confirmed.

"That's my net, man. You can't do that.", Jimmy shot back angrily.

Herb looked at him: "They just scored ten goals, Jim. Right now it's everybody's net."

Then he pushed the back door open and left.

Jimmy went after him continuing to talk: "Wait a second. I've given you everything I've got and now you're pulling the plug on me?"

"Have you?", Herb stopped him: "Given me your very best? Because I know there's a lot more in you. A whole other level that for some reason you just don't want to go to."

"What the hell, you don't even understand what I'm talking about.", he said and kept walking.

"I'll tell you what I don't understand, Herb.", Jimmy caught up to him: "I don't understand you. Nobody on this team understands you and your ridiculous sayings and your drills and those stupid psychology tests you had everybody take."

"Everybody?", Herb interrupted.

"What? So that's what this is about? Because I didn't take your test?", Jimmy asked again waiting for an answer.

When Herb didn't say anything and just continued walking, Jimmy yelled after him: "Fine. I'll take your test. Is that what you want?"

"No.", he stopped one last time to look at Jim: "I want to see that kid in the net who wouldn't take the test."

Herb exited the rink to leave Jimmy standing there dumbfounded.

Jimmy went back into the locker room and looked at Carly: "Your dad's nuts."

She chuckled at that: "Yeah, no shit."

Later that night, Herb was sitting in his hotel room, talking to Patti on the phone: "You gotta be kidding me. What did he do?"

"He did something amazing, Herb.", Patti replied: "He started to laugh."

"Then everybody in the audience started to laugh. It sounds funny, but I was so proud of him.", Patti happily said.

"I'm starting to think that our son takes after you.", Herb said.

At that moment, Carly wanted to knock on his door, but she stopped when she heard him talking.

"That's all part of my plan.", Patti replied.

"Well, you're a very smart woman. I miss you.", Herb said.

Carly smiled to herself and sat down in front of the door.

"The Games are only a couple of days away now.", she continued.

Herb nodded: "You got your airplane tickets?"

"Yeah. Walter had them sent over.", Patti reassured him.

"I guess I'll see you then.", Herb sighed.

Patti was worried about him: "You sound tired. Try and get some sleep."

"Yeah, I will.", Herb promised.

"All right. I'll talk to you later.", Patti smiled.

"Hey, Patti?", he asked again.

"I miss you too.", Herb said.

On the other side of the door, Carly let out a happy and relieved sigh at her parent's loving relationship.

"Good night.", she heard her dad say, before silence took over.

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