Chapter 12 "Europe"

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Carly, Mac, OC, Rammy and Mark were out on the ice, playing their shift. They were playing against the Norwegian national team.

Meanwhile, the boys on the bench were more focussed on the crowd than the game, "Wow, look over here, Phillie. Section two, four rows up. Two girls, blonde." 

"They're gorgeous." Verchota smirked.

Herb was watching his team carefully, while listening in on the topic and not showing any emotion on his face.

"Twins. Seventh row up, to the right." Verchota motioned to Bah.

"Love these blonde girls." they kept going.

"Maybe we can take a few home with us." Bah joked.

Verchota nodded his head, "Must be something in the water."

As the final buzzer went off and the game was over, the team started skating towards their locker room.

"Get a whistle." Herb huffed at Craig.

When the team was skating off the ice, to go to their locker room, Coach Patrick stopped them at the exit, "Hold up. Hold up, hold up. You gotta get back on the ice. Let's go."

"What for?" Bah asked him confused.

"You'll find out soon." Craig said, not knowing the answer to that question either, "Come on."

A few guys turned, before Mac tried again, "What for?"

"We'll find out in a minute. Come on." he pointed them into the right direction and soon, the team assembled around Herb Brooks, who was standing at the center of the ice.

"Let's go see what he wants." Rizzo shrugged.

"You guys don't wanna work during the game?" Herb asked them with a cold expression on his face, "No problem. We'll work now. Goal line!"

"That one!" he pointed.

He made them do suicide runs, also known as Herbies.

"Hustle." he yelled at Janny and Jimmy, who had to do the whole thing in their pads. 

"Think you can win on talent alone? Gentlemen, you don't have enough talent to win on talent alone. Again." Herb yelled, before sending them again.

After their second run, he yelled, "You think you can play the Norwegian national team and tie them and then go to the Olympics and win? You got another thing coming."

Herb turned to Craig, "Again."

"You gotta think about something else, each and every one of you. When you pull on that jersey, you represent yourself and your teammates. The name on the front is a hell of a lot more important than the one on the back! Get that through your head! Again." he raised his voice even more.

The team was exhausted at this point, having played an entire game before this. But they kept pushing anyway.

"Win, lose or tie, you're gonna play like champions." Herb stated, "Again."

They started their next round, as Herb kept yelling at them.

"Kick it in the ass, Verchota. Wanna go home early?" Herb remarked during the next run, "Keep it going, Suter. All the way to the line and all the way back. It's not that difficult! Again."

"Again." he said emotionlessly.

"Again." most of them were either coughing their lungs out or lying on the ice by now.

Luckily, Doc walked onto the ice, givng them a break, "Herb."

"What?" he asked.

Doc pointed towards the exit, saying, "The rink manager, he wants to clean the ice and go home."

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