1. I See Red

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"Alright everyone. I will see you all tomorrow!" The professor, Mr. James, exclaims after the bell rings.

I pack my stuff up and put them in my bag before getting up and walk out the class. Being in college sucks. All the assignments and homework have you staying up late but my major which is Animal Studies, is awesome so I don't mind.

No. I don't want to be a veterinary but I do like studying animals and what their all about. Especially wolves. In my opinion, they are the superior animals. Strong, smart and wise. Not a lot of people pay attention to wolves because they think they are more advanced dogs or something.


I climb in my small silver Toyota and throw my bag in the passenger seat. It's nothing fancy and it isn't too big, that's why I like it. It's enough for a small woman like me.

As I drive through my small town, I listen to my favourite playlist and drum on the stearing wheel with the melody of the song Don't Call Me Angel by Ariana Grande. Don't judge me. Ariana can sing and her music is fire.

I park my car in one of the parking spaces infront of a pet store called Greg's Pets. They have beautiful pets of all kinds. Yes, that includes exotic pets. They are a very famous and international store.

I had my exotic pet licence done a few months ago incase I decide not to get a domestic animal. I like living on the dangerous side anyways.

The bell on the top of the door pings, indicating my arrival and the birds inside cages nearby start chirping very loudly. Some parrots even greet me. I politely greet back with an amused smile and walk to the receptionist.

Red hair sits on her head. A pair of dull brown eyes stare back at me with annoyance and her red lips sneer at my presence. She clearly doesn't want to be here right now. The name tag on her shirt says 'Precious' and I almost snort. She is precious indeed.

"Hello. Welcome to Greg's Pets, is there anything I can help you with?" She says in a monotonous voice. You can hear how many times she has been forced to rehearse this line.

"Hi. I'd like to look for a pet" I force out and sarcastically smile at her. Her presence pisses me off.

"Are there any specific animals you'd like to see?" She asks and I'm tempted to slap her makeup off because of the way she chews her bubblegum. Disgusting.

"Can I see the exotic pets first? And if I don't find anything we'll then move on to the average pets" I request. I don't attempt to hide my disgust from her and she doesn't fail to notice it.

She rolls her eyes and dials some numbers on the wire phone with her long and dangerous looking nails. She pops her gum loudly before placing the phone near her ear. She speaks to someone before hanging up.

"There aren't any workers today so Greg will personally assist you" She spits before going back to typing on her computer.

I roll my eyes but wait patiently for this Greg guy and take a seat on one of the couches nearby. Not long after, a fat ginger who looks like he smokes 100 times a day walks out a door and makes his way to me. I hear different animal sounds that have my nerves jumping in excitement where, who I'm assuming is Greg, walked out before the door closes.

"Hello. My name is Greg, would you like to get started?" His rough voice makes me shiver in discomfort but I get up from my seat and greet him back, introducing myself too.

He leads me through the door he came out from and starts pointing to different dogs and cats, telling me about them and how they got here.

I don't really listen to what he says because a certain whimpering sound has captured my attention. It squeezes my heart and has my mind clouding in anger.

"Where is that whimpering sound coming from, Greg?" I cut him off, my words coming out strong and curt. Why am I so pissed?

"Uhh. It's from one the dogs here who are begging for your attention" He lies and I sigh.

"Don't fucking lie to me. Are you abusing the animals here, Greg? You know I could report you for that and have this place shut down for good?" I threaten, glaring at the man.

He gulps. "That is not necessary, Ms. Venus. We do not mistreat the animals in this place. This is their safe haven, not another form of hell" He tries containing his fear but fails. He straightens his back and attempts to seem more intimidating.


"Lead me to the pained animal then" I demand, leaving no room for negotiations. He nods and begins leading me to the whimpering.

I start feeling nervous the closer we get to the animal. Confused, I shrug my nerves off and calm my breathing.

We come across a metal door that belongs in prison and Greg fishes out keys in his baggy jeans before slowly unlocking the door.

The room looks like something straight of Suicide Squad. The room looks very spacious but dark. There isn't any light. Greg presses a button and light floods the room. There is a big bowl of water and a plate with a meatless bone on it in one corner of the room.

A strong scent hits my nose and I inhale deeply to breathe in more of this alluring smell. It smells like mint and the woods.

Too entranced by the smell, I don't hear the whimpering stop. Growling erupts from the beast that is now crouched in a warning position. It bears it's large teeth at us. No, it bares the teeth at a shaking Greg.

This... creature is so... BEAUTIFUL!!

"Greg" I whisper to not frighten the pissed off looking animal. "Greg where did you find it?" I ask excitedly. I contain the girlish squeals that want to erupt from my mouth for the sake of our lives.

"He has been in here for 10 years. We found him limping in the woods alone and brought him here. He killed all of the hunters that had found him. He hasn't warmed up to anyone since then" Greg breathes.

I can tell poor Greg wants to leave the room but he can't leave me alone with the beautiful beast.

"I want him" I say.


Soooooo😃😃 how was it?? Did yall like it??


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