34. Other Species

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"Which King and Queen do you want to meet the most?" I question Gray as we follow Rob downstairs to the board room.

His face scrunches in thought before he finally answers me. "King Septus and Queen Nebula. They are King and Queen of the Sea" He says, his smile bright and blinding.

"Mermaids exist!?" I gasp.

My excitement grows as I realise that every specie are here. Even ones of the sea because Aqautis is a water bitch. I wonder what other species are there.

"They do but they don't like the name humans have given them. They prefer the term Nereid. Sorry to intrude your conversation" Rob says.

I smile at him. "It's okay. Your telling me valuable information so-" I shrug. "No worries. If you didn't intrude then I would have embarrassed myself and called them Mermaids when they don't like being called that"

He smiles again before open another pair of huge double doors. Inside it's full of different beings.

Kings and Queens of different beings are socialising with their designated guards lingering a few meters behind them. It's a sight straight from the movies.

Just as Gray and I step into the room, every thing halts their conversations and begin making sounds of threats at... me.

The fuck did I do?

"Witch!" A voice yells.

Before I can even defend myself, I'm pinned on the wall, my back slamming painfully on the jagged wall. I wince then cold pale hands choke my neck, cutting of any oxygen.

"This is no wolf" A hoarse voice says, his crimson eyes giving me the serious creeps.

He licks his top row of teeth with a sinister smile, giving me a clear view of the pearly fangs. Vampire!

"It's food!" He yells, moving his fangs closer to my neck.

I hear the tearing of clothes and a very familiar growl that catches the vampire's attention.

"A Midnight Wolf is in our presence. How wonderful" He snarls, growling back at Gray.

A power hums deep in my belly and I concentrate on it. I open my palm and allow the green fog inside to grow before quickly raising it up, the movement causing the section where the vampire is standing to rise fast and bang him on the ceiling. Dust falls from the ceiling as the ground reattaches itself back to its place.

The vampire lands with a loud thud on the ground and two other vampires keep me pinned on the wall, each one holding my palm closed.

"You dare attack our King?!" The head guard roars. Oh! That was the Vampire King?

Just as he takes a step forward, Gray leaps into view and rips his head off with fast movements.

Feral much?

I use the guard's distraction to head them, sending them staggering away from me. I feel my body buzz as I levitate then raise the guards up with a light gray fog and with the green fog in my other opened palm, I liquidate the wall and let the guards sink in before solidifying it again, keeping them stuck there.

"Touch me again and I will kill you" I sneer, making sure I glare hard at them.

A series of gasps surround the room and murmurs fill the room. Gray growls in agreement as he moves his gigantic body and stands next to me, his head raised and his mouth curled into a snarl. He looks so vicious right now and it's turning me the fuck on.

Stop with your dirty thoughts, baby. His deep chuckle fills my mind and I smirk, making sure I view an image of him pounding into me from behind.

He growls at me through the link and I giggle slightly. I slowly bring myself to the ground and ignore the buzzing inside of me. Both from lust and my powers.

I've never felt so badass in my life!

"I pose no threat to all of you. I am on your side. The Elemental Witches are planning to destroy all of us and it's up to us to work together and defend the world from destruction.

If we keep fighting with each other then we will lose everything we've ever loved and frankly I don't want that to happy. I'm sure you don't to.

It is up to us to protect our loved ones and each other. This war, it will bring great oain and suffering but as long as we stand together they will not defeat us.

My name is Venus Brown, mate of the Midnight Wolf Grayson Black. I recently found out of my real self and have been training to become better.

When the witches were training me, they were doing it with the intention of turning me into a machine that destroyed all of you. I was informed of their plan so they fled. We haven't seen them since but they left a promise to eliminate us.

If you have a rivalry against each other, please put it aside and focus on saving the world. There is no place for stupidity at this time" I tell them, my voice booming through the room, strong and powerful.

I channelled the voice that speaks every time I start glowing randomly and used it now so the people in the room can get the message loud and clear.

Gray howls and every thing in the room, lowers and bows down.

This is going to be fun, dangerous and scary.


Short chapter, I know😅 Im sure the next one will make it up to yall.

Please comment vote and share my story.

Love yall

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