21. Four Women

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Two months later, the wolves sent out to search for Tenebris Phoenix come back. With four white haired women following them.

I was laying on Gray's chest when I sensed them enter the pack border. I leaped out the bed and looked out the window.

And there they were, my coven. Well only four of them atleast. I rushed out the room and burst out the front door.

Lauren, Arden and the Gamma, Nathan James. Yes, Mr. James, my Animal Studies teacher. I knew he was weird but I never pegged him as a werewolf.

The Beta, Billy Rein, left for some alliance meeting three weeks ago since Arden can't go because he is still training Grayson.

"Is that them?" I whisper to Lauren. She nods before straightening her back.

The pose of a Luna. Which I will be soon.

I feel Gray's presence next to me when the bond between us buzzes with life. He snakes an arm around my waste and pulls me closer to him. I lean into him and the nerves fade away.

"Welcome ladies. I am Alpha Arden, this is my wife and Luna, Lauren" Arden introduces before pointing at Gray and I. "That is my son, Grayson and her future Luna, Venus. Whom has called for your help. I apologise for the abruptness but we welcome you to the Luna Flumine Pack"

"Thank you for having us, Alpha Arden. We are hoping we will be able to help Ms. Venus with her problem" A not too old looking lady speaks up, moving her small frame forward.

Due to the white hair, you would not be able to tell whether the lady is old or not unless you look at her face. Her eyes are a bright blue. Brighter than Gray's or mines.  Infact all the ladies have different coloured eyes.

"I am Aquatis, one of the four leaders of Tenebris Phoenix. I control liquids like water" The woman who spoke up says before showcasing her powers by spreading her palm and water flows to the middle of her palm from a bottle of water one pack member had in their hands.

I stare at the floating water in awe. That looks really cool! A grin grows on my lips at the thought of mastering that.

Another woman steps forward and says. "I am Gasorum. I control all gases" She introduces then makes a small tornado in the palm of her hand. Her eyes are a smokey grey color.

This whole witch thing doesn't look bad actually. It looks really awesome and fun. Though I can tell it took lots of discipline and training for them to master their powers like that.

Another woman steps forward too. "I am Terra. I control earth" She grins and grows a pink flower in her hand before handing it to me. Her eyes are a glowing green.

I blush and gently take the flower from her fingers, mumbling a small thank you.

The last woman steps forward and I squirm uncomfortably. She scares the fuck out of me. She has the 'resting bitch face' on her and it intimidated me. A lot.

"I am Ignis. I control fire" She drawls out, her eyes a bright red color. You can tell she wants to be anywhere but here. In her palm, she grows a small fire.

"Woah" I mumble, drawn to the fire shaped like a dancing woman. She moves her body in an elegant way, dancing like she is not made of flame.

These ladies look like they've been through every era in the history books.

"You my dear, carry a very powerful aura. I can't seem to put a finger on it" Aquatis says, pointing her finger at me.

I point at myself dumbly and hesitantly step forward when she beckons me to. She gently touches the space between my eyebrows with two fingers and closes her eyes.

She hums before removing her fingers. "My my. I've never sensed such a poweful being before. What did you say your name was?"

"Venus" I stammer.

She nods and hums again. "Is there a place where we can begin training Venus?" She asks Arden, her eyes still focused on me.

"Why?" Arden asks, sceptical of the water witch.

"Do not question us, you dog!" Ignis snaps.

Growling sounds echo through the forest as a few offended wolves growl. Before Ignis can even set the wolves on fire, Terra places a hand on her shoulder.

"Be calm, Ignis. We are not here to fight. We are here to help. You promised to be civil, remember?" She says, her voice soothing and calm.

She is definitely the gentle and kind one of the group. Ignis is obviously the fiery one, Aquatis the one who says what's on her mind and Gasorum, the quiet and observant one. I geuss she only speaks when it is necessary.

I think I like Gasorum more.

"Whatever" Ignis grumbles but steps back.

"I ask again, is there a place where Venus and us can train?" Aquatis asks again, impatience poorly hidden.

Grumbling, Arden leads us to a part of the forest that I was never shown. With a few mumbled words, he reluctantly leaves, leaving me, Grayson, Ignis, Gasorum, Terra and Aqautis alone.

Terra clears her throat and steps towards me. "Dear, your mate can't be here during your training" She gently says, like a mother talking to her child.

I give Gray a look, telling him that I'll be okay alone. He glares at me and shakes his head.

"Gray" I plead.

Being the stubborn wolf that he is, he does not leave. "Gray, do it for me. You promised me you'd give me space to train if needed. Are you really going to break your promise?"

I know I shouldn't be blackmailing him into leaving but it is the only way to make him leave. No matter how guilty it makes me feel.

It's ironic how I usually crave for his attention and company yet here I am, pleading for him to leave. I'm going to have to make it up to him for this.

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