41. Death

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I smirk. "Let me get this clear, Aquatis, your just a water bitch and I've never been afraid of water. So go fuck yourself" I sneer then spit on her.

She gasps, wiping the bloody slime from her face. "You bit-!" Before she can continue screeching at me, her head is ripped of her body.

Blood splatters onto my face as her body drops on the floor, headless. Gray howls before helping me onto my feet.

"Thanks, baby" I huff and he nods before leaping onto a hunter, also ripping his head off.

Gray deserves a mind-blowing blow job after this shit is over.

A hunter sprints towards me, tackling me onto the ground. I yelp then push him off me. I clog his throat with his own saliva before focusing on another hunter. I manage to leap onto his shoulders and snap his neck.

I deserve a good muff too.

Focus baby. Gray chuckles as he claws into a hunters' chest.

Yes zaddy. I giggle.

I watch as Terra leaps in the air, wanting to catch Grayson by surprise but I grab her ankle and fling her to the ground.

I think the fuck not.

She growls at me and I stick my tongue out at her. Just as I'm about to dig my hands into her chest, I feel something rough keep me rooted on the spot.

She rooted me! That bitch!

She punches me face before growing one of the roots and stabs me with it in my injured knee. I cry out as hot tears run down my face. My knee pulsing with white pain.

Before she can cause anymore harm, I grab her wrists and snap the in two. She cries out as she tries craddling her broken wrists.

I break free from the roots and stomp towards her. I use the fire from one of the huge lamps mounted on the wall and set her on fire.

She screams in agony as the fire engulfs her body. I watch with a sadistic grin plastered on my face.

"VENUS!" I hear Darius yell before I'm tackled on the ground for the hundredth time today.

Darius let's out a pained howl before he slides off me. I stare shocked, at the large amount of blood on my abdomen.

Is... is that my blood?

I slowly turn my head and I almost sob at the sight. Darius lays naked next to me, blood pouring out his chest.

I gape at the silver arrow before gasping in shock. Silver. The whole arrow is made of silver.

Darius stares at me with a small smile as his body jerks. His eyes shift from yellow to his normal green. He's dying.

"Tell... m-my wi-wife and so-son th-that I lo-lov-love the-them" He croaks, his bottom lip quivering as a tear falls from his left eye. He lets out a pained sob as he tries to smile at me one last time.

"No, Darius" I sniffle, shuffling so I'm cradling his head. "Don't go. They need you" I sob.

"I-it was a-an ho-honour t-to me-meet you V-Venus" I watch as the life in his eyes slips away, leaving nothing but emptiness.

I hear Nella scream as her heart tears in two. The pain of her mate's death already speeing in.

"DARIUS!" She screams as she collapses on the ground, gently scooping his head from my lap.

Remembering that we're still in war, I defend Nella and Darius' body mercilessly, wanting to give Nella some time to see her dead husband.

I can almost imagine what she must be going through. Maximus suddenly appears next to me, ripping heads left, right and centre.

Wolves howl at the loss of their King and I immediately feel guilty. If I wasn't so focused on Terra then these poor wolves wouldn't be feeling all this pain. The guilt seeps into my heart but I push it back and focus on fighting the hunters, for now.

The fighting last for what feels like centuries when it was just three hours. I finish of a hunter.

I grin as Gray rushes to me but it falls off my face when I catch sight of Terra, hidden behind the trees, her eyes a glowing green as she sets her gaze on an unaware Gray.

It seems as thought everything was in slow motion. I scream and sprint towards Gray but I am too late as Terra lifts her palm, sending a root straight into Gray's chest.

Immense pain blooms in my chest and I let out the loudest scream I have ever heard. My mind seems to have blocked every thing  else, only focusing on cradling Gray's wolf head in my arms as sobs rake through my body.

"No!" I cry, watching Gray's head fall limp.

Suddenly, I halt my crying. Anger and rage consuming me. I gently lay Gray's head on the ground before lifting myself up.

My knee tingles but due to my sudden anger and rage, I can't feel the pain. I dust off the dirt from my dress before lifting my head and set my gaze on Terra.

Lilek P.O.V

I watch as the Venus girl's body lifts from the ground. Her glowing body hovers high in the air, her hair floating as if she was under water.

"What in the world?" I mumble as I watch the scene before me.

Her eyes are a bright white as she raise her hands into a 90° angle. She lets out a loud scream, throwing her head back as a blinding force shoots out off her, making me shield my eyes.

The remaining hunters all collapse on ground, dead. I look at the last witch left and watch her cough blood out before turning into ashes, the wind carrying her away.

The girl slowly lowers onto the ground, into the same position she was in, her body still glowing. But this time, she isn't sobbing, she is just staring at her dead mate with blank eyes.

Poor girl.

Gasorum carefully steps towards her. "Venus" She whispers, crouching down next to her.

The girl stays silent. "You can save him" That has her head snapping up.

"How?" She croaks. "He's gone" She whispers, sorrowful.

"With the powers the Moon Goddess gave you. Your mother may have been a witch but your biological mother was powerful. Conjure those powers, Venus" Gasorum advices softly, like a parent giving a child some life advice.

The girl breathes in deeply before laying down her mate's head on the ground. She opens her palms over her mate and closes her eyes.

White mist leaves her body and flows into the dark haired wolf, sinking deep into it.

The body jerks before it wakes up. I gasp at the miracle. What in the world is this?

"Gray?" She whispers delicately, gauging her mate's reaction. Her eyes glaze over, indicating a mindlink before a grin grows on her face.

"Gray!" She yells, wrapping her arms around the big wolf.

Well I'll be damned.

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