23. Water

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"How was training?" Gray asks as soon as I enter our room.

I huff and collapse on the bed with a groan. "Tiring" I mumble.

I hear him chuckle. Sparks tingle on the back of my thigh when Gray gently rubs it. I turn my head and stare at him.

"Venus, there is something I must tell you. It involves the witches" He says, seriousness evident in his deep voice. I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing him speak.


"I do not trust them. Something is off about them. My wolf doesn't trust them alone with you and I agree with him" He tells me.

Sighing, I manoeuvre my body so I'm sitting upright and facing him. I gently place my hand on his cheek and he leans into my touch, shutting his eyes.

"A voice inside me told me that too, Gray. I don't think it's a coincidence. Something is definitely off about the witches, especially Terra and Aquatis" I whisper.

"Venus, a voice spoke to you?" He asks, baffled. His eyes furrowed and his lips slightly pouted.

This is what I love about Grayson. He doesn't find most of the weird things happening to me amusing. If this was another story, the guy would have chuckled in amusement at the fact that I said a voice spoke to me. I'd giggle and tell him I'm serious.

Gray is not like that. I like that. He is slightly naive and very innocent. It's a shame he got paired with someone so dirty.

"The voice said it is a part of my mother's spirit and that now that I have acknowledged my true self, it can speak to me and help me. To make it easier for you to understand, it's exactly like having a wolf. It's just that I don't shift into the spirit" I explain.

He nods. "It also told you not to trust the witches?"

"Yes" I nod.

He sighs. "Please be careful Venus. I don't want to lose you. There is so much we haven't done and I don't think I'd surive in this world without you"

"Ncaw Gray" I giggle before giving a small but passionate peck on the lips. "Your so sweet"

He smiles. "Anything to see you smile" My blush grows at his words.

No one has ever made me feel as special as Gray has. We have only personally known each other for two months yet I feel like I've known him for a whole era.

Cliche. I know.

"Venus" He whispers, his eyes a very darkened color. His breathing is ragged and hard.

"Yes, Gray?" I whisper back, equally aroused.

"When will we complete the mating bond?"

"As soon as all of this is over. Let's not pressure ourselves into this. We have time"

"Are you not ready?"

"I am, Gray but the timing is not right. Let's give this whole thing some time to settle before we can do anything"

A silence falls over us after my words. Gray relaxes on the bed and lays on his back then I rest on his chest, getting comfortable.

"I'm falling for you, Venus" He whispers just as sleep consumes me.

I think I'm falling for you too, Gray.


"Focus on the water Venus!" Aquatis snaps, clearly getting as impatient as I am.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch. Don't you fucking see I'm trying to do that" I sneer.

See, we've been training since 8am and so far I've only formed little perspiration inside my palm. Not enough to water the flower.

Aquatis has been pretty annoying and her annoying me isn't going to help me. It'll only make me pissed.

Which I am already, as you can tell.

My words seem to have surprised her. She didn't expect me to cuss so hard at her. Well, that's what you get for being so irritating.

"Venus, you need to understand that I'm only trying to help. If you aren't going to accept my help then the girls and I may as well leave. You called for us. Not the other way. Remember that" She seethes after gaining her composure.

Her words make my blood boil and I jump up, standing on my feet. "I didn't ask to be born like this, Aquatis! It was all thrown to me! I may look like I have it all under control but I don't!

You need to understand that I'm just human! I may know about all of this shit but I never expected it to be real! Don't ever fucking blame me for something I never asked for!" I yell.

During my whole 'fuck you' speech, I don't notice the river rising from it's path. I'm levitated of the ground and my hair is floating all over the place. My body is buzzing and glowing with energy. My mind is clouded with anger. All I see is red.

Before she can even escape, I wave my hand and all the water lands on Aquatis with great force.

Somehow, I create some sort of water bubble around her in the air, leaving no gaps for oxygen.

When I see her eyes flash a bright blue, I know she is attempting to use her powers but for some reason. I am much stronger than her. I can feel it. Her body jerks as her lungs cry for air and she claws her throat.

"Venus!!" Gray's voice makes all the blinding anger dissipate. I drop my palm and my knees give out.

I hear Aquatis gasp for air as Gray gathers me into his arms and scoops me off the ground.

My hazey vision focuses on my wolf. His eyebrows are furrowed in concern and his lips are moving but it's like I can't hear a word he is saying.

Not long after, my eyes shut on their own accord and darkness consumes me.

I almost killed Aquatis and the thought of it... satisfies me. Like I showed her that if she ever double crosses me, I'll kill her.

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