16. Superiority

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"You know you sleep a lot for a Luna, V" Jenni whispers in my ear.

"It's too early to deal with your shit, Jenni" I mumble on my pillow, cringing when my breath hits my nose.

"Whatever. You need to wake up, Venus. Alpha Arden wants to begin training Grayson" Jenni explains before ripping the covers of me.

In all my years of knowing Jenni, I know that she rarely uses my full name and when she does, she is serious.

So this must be serious.

"Jenni" I complain but get up nonetheless.

Sighing, I decide to get ready for the day.

"Gray shifted again last night" I tell everyone. After my shower, Gray and I headed downstairs where we saw Lauren and Arden sitting together on the barstools and Jenni a chair away.

The leaders gape at me, as if I told them I live in the sun. Not surprising because I didn't inform them of Gray's first shift two weeks ago.

"Really?" Jenni squeals and I nod.


"Has this happened before?" Arden coughs, choking on his coffee.

"Yes. Just two to three days after I adopted him" I explain.

I have decided to keep the whole glowing thing to myself. I think it's best if I do. You don't know what people may think of me when I decide to tell them.

Though I don't care about what people think, some comments just really get to you.

"But he is still in wolf form? Did he shift back?" Lauren asks.

Nodding, I say. "For some reason, he can't stay in his human form for a long time. We only shared a few words before I fell asleep. I woke up and saw his wolf instead of him"

It was depressing, really. I was excited to wake up and get to know the real Gray. But I know that with some practise, I'll soon get to see him more often.

I'm shocked that I not once even thought of his dick during our encouter. He was ofcourse naked after he shifted.

"Do you think he shifted while he was at the pet store?" Lauren asks again.

I shake my head. "I don't think so. He was chained up in silver and I don't think they gave him enough food"

You would not have known that Gray was being starved due to his thick fur. The moment I hugged him, I felt the bones. It dampened my mood a little but I know that the food he is getting now is enough.

More than enough actually.

"That makes sense" Lauren mutters to herself.


"Alright Grayson. I need you to clear your head and focus on your human. Focus on only that and you'll soon shift into it" Arden explains.

After breakfast, Jenni had to leave for work in the city and Luaren had Luna work to do so I am left to fend for myself.

Now, Arden, Gray and I are in the forest. Arden is training Gray to shift and shift back.

Gray, my beautiful typical wolf, is not paying attention. He is too busy gaping at the butterfly that is on a flower.

He looks so intrigued by it, it's so amusing to watch him.

Upon hearing my giggle, he perks up making the butterfly scurry away. Not long after, he jogs to me and attacks my face.

Pain is all I feel and screams are all I hear. But that doesn't motivate him to stop. He continues to ravish my face like the ferocious animal he is. He rips my jaws in two. One of his canines dig into my eye and rip it out. He claws my chest, leaving it open for the world to see my organs. He ripped my left arm off. Pain.


He licks my face with his slimey tongue and drool coats my face. Some of it drips onto the grass.


"Eew!" I squeal.

You know what's worse? His breathe smells like death died in there. If that makes any sense.

"Gray! Stop, your breath smells like death and pussy" I laugh. He stops licking me and huffs.

I run my hands in his fur and revel in the sparks that electrocute my whole arm. The butterflies swarm my belly and warmth pools into me.

Jeez. Cliche much?

Purring, he sniffs me taking in my scent. When he reaches the spot where my neck and shoulder meet he freezes. I feel a small prick there and tense.

Gray is suddenly pushed away from me. When we lock eyes, I panic. His eyes aren't the bright blue I'm used to seeing. They are a glowing yellow.

Images of Gray and I make love swarm my brain. Will Gray say the words he said last night just before I fell asleep?

Wait, he called me beautiful. That's so sweet. No guy has called me that. Yes, never.

I remember my ex boyfriend. Jonathan. That prick. Was abusive. Emotionally. Honestly, he was also too clingy.

But we'll get into that later.

"Not yet, Gray. She's not ready. You'll regret it if you do it. Don't" Arden warns, his hands raises. He stands tense infront of me, blocking my view.

What is wrong with Gray? Was he trying to bite me? Why would he try to do that? Not once has he ever tried to harm me in anyway yet here he is.

It makes me wonder if maybe I was wrong about him. That he will eventually end up hurting me. He will gobble me up like Meghan Thee Stallion wants to be.


No he was...

He was trying to...


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