8. Reality Rules

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I jump up at the sound of my alarm. My head throbs in pain but I ignore it and go to the bathroom to take a shower.

After my shower, I brush my teeth, apply my daily minimal make up before getting dressed in a black leather skirt and a white tank top. I pair my outfit with my combat boots and then spray some perfume.

I grab the file with the adoption documents and my permit then stuff it in my bag.

I freeze when I see Gray sleeping on the couch. His dark fur cannot be missed and the slight snore that escapes his lips tell me that what I saw yesterday was a very vivid dream.

Some virtual reality shit.

But it still doesn't make any sense. I was asleep then I heard disturbing snapping sounds that belong in a horror movie. Then I saw Gray whimpering on the floor before he... before he... shifted.

He turned into a gorgeous human male that knew my name. I don't remember much after that because I passed out.

So if I passed out on the floor, how did I end up in bed?

This is crazy. No more werewolf books for the next month for me because I'm starting to see shit.

I gently wake Gray up. He lazily lifts his head and blinks at me. Staring at his tired eyes, a pang of guilt pools in the pit of my stomach. Maybe I should leave him.

Even though he looks tired, I know he'll still follow me.

"Morning, Gray" I whisper with my lips curled into a soft smile. "Come on, bud. Let's go eat some breakfast"

He lets out a long yawn and climbs of the couch to stretch his limbs. He follows me to the kitchen where we then eat breakfast together.

After eating, I close some of my windows before leashing Gray. I rub the fur behind his ear and lead him out the door, ignoring the tingling I feel when I touch him.

I wonder where he was last night.

The sun burns my skin as we walk to campus. Peoples stares get annoying but I get used to it after a few minutes.

Does it really look weird for someone as short as me to walk around with a wolf twice my size?

Feeling a tug on the leash, I turn around. Gray is still and is slightly whining.

"What is it boy?" I ask, concern spreading like wildfire in my body. He whines again and I frown.

I notice his legs shaking slightly. If you weren't really looking at him, you wouldn't even notice that.

I think of a few things that could be bothering him. The sun? It would make sense since he is a night animal. No. It can't be that. Is there something biting him?

Realising that I don't know what is wrong with him, he decides to drag me, steering me away from my path.

It's stupid really. Leashing such a huge animal when it could easily just drag me with him wherever he wants. I don't have that much weight compared to him.

He leads me to the woods nearby. Suddenly, he rips the leash out of my hand with his teeth, scaring me a bit then disappears between the trees.

I hear the sound of a tap running. Ohh. He needed to pee. How could I forget that? Or more importantly, how could I not see that.

"Hurry Gray, I don't want to be late for school and I still have to stop by the principal's office!" I yell while my foot taps impatiently on the ground.

Not long after, Gray steps out. He hands me the leash and I make my way to the school again.

"Morning, Mr. Levington" I greet once I've walked through his door. He politely smiles back and gestures for me to sit.

I oblige and Gray plants himself beside me, carefully watching my principal's every move. Gray has this powerful aura emitting from him. It screams dominace and confidence. It also demands respect. It's just so mesmerising.

I search my bag for the file containing the permit and adoption document and hand it to him.

"Thank you, Ms. Brown. I'll make copies of the documents and then we can talk about the rules he has to follow during his time here. I'm hoping we will come to an agreement" He states and I nod. Something about his voice, is slightly scary.

Even though Mr. Levington is scared of Gray, he himself has an aura radiating from him. It's not as powerful as Gray but somewhere there and he knows it.

That's why this school is the best in the district. Students are scared of him.

He makes the copies and hands me back my file. We then dive straight into the topic and begin talking about the terms and conditions of Gray coming to school with me.

1. He is not allowed to eat anyone. (Not like the people in this place look tasty at all)

2. He is not allowed to place anyone in danger.

3. He has to be kept on a leash and in my eyesight at all times.

4. I am not allowed to leave him unattended.

5. I am not allowed to send him to someone as a threat or use him during the exams.

I was quite disappointed about that rule and Mr. Levington saw it. He shook his head in a disapproving manner and I blushed.

I really wanted to scare that bitch Bethany.

The rules continue but I don't pay much attention to them because I'm really not interested but I pretend I'm listening for the sake of my degree.

Soon, he dismisses us and I go to my class. Before the professor arrives, I revise on all the studywork I studied last night yet none of it comes to mind.

All I can think about is last night's dream. Who was that man and why was he naked? What was he even doing in my apartment?

Where was Gray during that period too? He just vanished as soon as the man appeared.

But he couldn't have. He was right there. He... shifted into the man. He didn't disappear. It was some type of werewolf shit and it freaked me out. I remember, he said: "It is me. Grayson"

The fuck?

I wonder what would have happened if I didn't faint. Would the man still be there?

I glance at Gray suspiciously. He is panting with his tongue sticking out his mouth. He must have felt my eyes because he turns his head and looks at me.

My breathe hitches when his eyes bare into mine. The man and Gray have the same eyes. The same piercing blue.

I can feel something buzzing in me but I don't know what it is. "Are you a werewolf, Gray?" I whisper, drawing my face closer to him and narrow my eyes further.

Before he can possibly answer me, Mr. James walks in. I sigh in disappointment.

Damnit I'm going crazy.

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