Revolutionary Scheme

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A grin formed on the man's lips and he answered, "Sakusa Daiki."

"H-himekawa." Atsumu called out. The younger walked towards him while still shuffling his notes. "C-can you please look at our garden at the back if we still have the Lacecap Hydrangea. A-an order came in and they want that f-flower."

"Lace-what?" Atsumu quickly wrote the name and shoved it at Himekawa's chest. "J-just go and l-look for it. It's a r-rush order."

He lightly pushed Himekawa away and the younger left confused about Atsumu's order.

As soon as Himekawa left, Atsumu looked back at Daiki and forced a smile. "Sakusa Daiki, right?"

The man nodded and added, "I want ten dozen of white roses and add gypsophila on each bouquet."

With his shaking hands, Atsumu tried his best to write as neat and as properly as he can but the darkly intense gaze coming from Daiki was impactful that made him so scared and nervous.

"I want you to deliver them all in my mansion tomorrow." Daiki spoke, leaning close to Atsumu's ear. "...and I want some kind of special service too."

Atsumu took a step back and his hand trembled as he gently pushed the man away.

"W-we don't offer a-any special s-services here." His voice quavered, still not looking at Daiki. 

Daiki held Atsumu's chin to meet his eyes and he wrapped his free hand around Atsumu's waist, proposing, "Then what about your part timer? I kinda like the innocent ones." 

The man's penetrating gaze prowled over Atsumu's face and pounced onto his eyes, 

"But I still prefer you, Suzuki Atsumu." Daiki's one hand started roaming around Atsumu's body that sent chills through him and he shivered at the sensation. 

"P-please s-stop..." Atsumu begged while forcibly pulling away from Daiki. The grip on his chin tightened and the man pulled Atsumu closer to him, leaning close to his lips, he breathed,

"That doesn't sound very convincing to me." He pulled Atsumu's shaking and weak hands off of his chest and pinned him onto the wall, putting both of his hands over his head.

With his free hand, he gently caress Atsumu's cheeks all the way down his neck. He followed his hand with his lustful and fierce gaze as he touches every part of Atsumu's body. "Your skin really is smooth." 

Atsumu tried to remove his hands free by digging his fingernails onto the man's skin and tried to kick his body but it was no use. 

He gently held Atsumu's chin to meet his gaze and he firmly said, "Will you deliver the flowers personally to me tomorrow or will I ask your part timer to do it instead?"

“N-no… please… not H-himekawa…” Atsumu’s voice trembled.

He doesn't want Himewaka to get involved on these such dealings. When Sugawara fired him, he proposed that Atsumu needs to continue running the flower shop in case Sakusa Kiyoomi or anyone inside of the clan further investigate him again. He was all alone doing the work on the flower shop that he doesn't want to do in the first place.

All he wanted was to get back to his hometown at Kansai and continue working with the onigiri business that his twin brother built while working as an undercover agent at the same agency.

Atsumu really didn't want to hire people for this shop, knowing he'll eventually close it even if it was against Sugawara's orders. 

And then, Himekawa came. He was so shy and timid and he made a lot of mistakes introducing his self. He wanted to work at the flower shop because Atsumu's shop was the only flower shop around the district. He kept coming back for two weeks straight, even if there was a heavy rain at one night.

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