She is the choreographer pt 2

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Britts pov

I get a call from a unknown number but something somewhere strikes it as familiar so I answer it

Is this Brittany Raymond

Yes it is who is this

Joanne Flanagan, owner of ConfiDance dance studio

Ah, Ok

I'm calling to inform you that You got the choreographer job

At this point my best friend Brennan walks in and I hold my hand up in a way to tell him hold on

Thank you so much but for obvious reasons I have to ask, was it my dancing or well me

It was your dancing and you, both me and Trevor thought you were the best fit.

Ok, so ummm when do I start

Joanne goes onto tell me all the details I need to know then we say goodbye and I put my phone away and look at Brennan.

Trevors POV

It's been a few days since me and mum choice Brittany to be the new choreographer and I haven't got her out my head. She starts today so I'm planning on being in the office meaning I'm the one to take her to her studio space. I've missed her. We used to be such close Friends and now we don't speak at all.

I sit in the office and wait for her to arrive. She arrives and looks a little stressed out and not ready to dance.

God I'm so sorry I got in terrible traffic coz I was in Toronto last night

Nah it's ok don't even worry abo- oh god i did it

Britt giggles slightly  and I see her relax

So I should probably change

Yeah maybe

Ummm where's the change rooms again

Come with me I laugh

I lead her to the change rooms and then wait for her to change then I take her to the room and sit watching while she choreographs. Upon seeing her struggle with a lift I run over and just take her into the lift like it's nothing.

Joannes pov

After britts class ends I walk in and and am met with her and Trevor doing their old duets. After the end of the last one I clap making them both jump. Britt hugs Trev then goes to change

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