she is the choreographer part 1

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Trevor helps his mum look for a new choreographer and so he's choreographed this small combo to teach the auditionees.

Brittany looks for a job and sees this one and decides it's worth a shot. Her and Trevor hadn't seen each other in a few years and they did forget about each other.

The day of the auditions arrive and Britt goes to the studio. She signs in and goes and changes. She waits and Steven Trevors brother comes and collects all the auditionees. The moment Britt sees Steven she hides her face and gets awkward. She goes with all the auditionees and they are lead by steven round in a studio tour. They finish and go into the studio and meet Joanne and Trevor.

When Trevor sees Brittany he is shocked but shrugs it off.  Brittany stands near the back.

Trevor teaches his combo and Joanne splits them into groups. Britt is in group 4.

Group 1 dance and people are eliminated same with groups 2 and 3. It gets to 4 and Britt hides towards the back but is singled out and moved to the front. She dances the combo cleanly and some are eliminated from the group. The people including Britt who are left perform their solo combos and once again people get eliminated cutting it down to just 4. Britt is in the top 4.

EveRyone goes home and Trevor and Joanne go into the office and they discuss the top 4.

I think I might have a perfect fit but I don't think they would want to. 



I think her too

I miss working with her

I know you do

So it's decided I guess

Joanne nods and calls britt


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