Guardian Angel

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So this one is gonna be slightly jumpy and it's based off the lyrics of Guardian Angel by Brighter Brightest. It's gonna be like jiley looking back on various moments in their relationship.
The layout is gonna be odd so I'm gonna explain it now

(Who the POV is)
The memory

/////// when you see that it means it's new moments
Anything in bold ,italic ,brackets and underlined is extra info if I am coming away from plots for example getting rid of ralfie.


The way she looked in that green dress said everything
And just to see her smile, I would do anything
Can you wait just another minute? I've got something to say
Looks like you're looking for something better, but anyways

It's the real deal
I can see it in your eyes

Today was my first date with Riley and it was the best date I ever had. She was wearing this beautiful green dress. I held it In studio A and set it up with around the world stuff as I know Riley loves to travel. I even introduced myself to her parents and got a photo from her yearbook. I am taking so much initiative on this date, honestly I think I'm in love, actually I know I am. Honestly she wasn't sure about the date at first but as we went through it I think we improved. I gave her the passport and she was intrigued. She didn't smile for a bit but then I coaxed he smile out. I adore her smile so much.

We spoke about stuff that came up while we ate and worked our way round the world stamping her passport as we do. We then started to dance and while we danced we were so close. Riley pulled away and looked at me, that's when I knew was definitely in love with her. We kissed then danced some more. Her dad then came and collected her and as she was leaving I thanked her for a amazing evening and she gave me that adorable look she did before our kiss.

Once I cleaned up the studio I went home and melted onto my bed in a bubble of love.


You won't bat an eye
You won't worry
'Cause I'm watching over you
You don't have to hide
Just open your eyes to me

Riley is a mess after she lost her hair feather and is so distressed over it. I know we will have a perfect shot at the wildcard and we will obviously take it but I know she's a mess. I turn to the team and make a speech about this then I take Riley to the side and hold her hands.

I talk to her and just generally cheer her up then we kiss, she knows now that she doesn't have to worry when I'm beside her and again she gives me that look. The same look from our first date. God I love this girl so much I just wanna always look in her perfect eyes. West walks over and she hides her face and he leaves and she looks at me. Emily takes me to the side as the team start going back to our change rooms and tells me I broke Rileys wall down.


The way I count down 'til we meet again
Is enough to drive me insane
You're not another crush
You're not another reason to give up again
You're not another crush
You're not another reason to pretend

'Cause you're the real deal
I can see it in your eyes


(Riley) (in this one Ralfie never happened, Alfie does like riley but they never kissed)
James is in London and I am missing him so much. I've just got into the studio for another days rehearsal. I open my office and get the calendar out my draw. It's a special one James made with pictures of us from our 4 years and it has a special image from that month in each year. Usually I just note important things down on it coz it's more the photos for me but since James went to London I've been counting down till he's home, I'm being driven insane without him. When I was younger I used to think things like love was unreal and I wanted to give up on thinking about it but with James it's no crush it's true love I experience. I used to think I would pretend I found the love of my life when it came to family events but James turned that into real life not pretend.

My phone goes to then so does my laptop, I look at it and James would like to FaceTime. I instantly shut all the doors and sit then answer. I meet eyes with James and once again I'm filled with the warm loving feeling that I only get with James. Yep this is the real deal this is true love.


You won't bat an eye
You won't worry
'Cause I'm watching over you
You don't have to hide
Just open your eyes to me

It's the real deal
I can see it in your eyes

James didn't do the B twist in he boys small group but I know he can do it and it's playing in my head, I need him to do it, especially as I think I love him, whenever I look in his eyes I feel it more, I have to tell him. We meet backstage after changing into our duet costume. Come on Riley it's now or never.

I tell him and he agrees so we go on and do our duet, James does the B twist perfectly and I know for fact I love him. I decide to tell him how I feel after the rounds today. As we join hands and watch the audience he tells Me he did it and I tell Him I'm proud and then it slips out. I tell him I love him and he stares in my eyes then kisses me.


You won't bat an eye
You won't worry
'Cause I'm watching over you
You don't have to hide
I'll be alright
Just stay here by my side
So don't say goodbye
You're my angel
So rest your wings tonight
Don't say goodbye
Just open your eyes to me


(Third person POV) (so this one is more focused on the future and is after jiley had their first baby, unfortunately the baby is sick and in NICU so I guess there might be triggering stuff for some so here's your TW)
Riley paces and James pulls her into a hug then when she had calmed the new parents go to the NICU and find their fragile baby. They both say a silent prayer. They sit either side of the machine pushing oxygen into their baby and Riley tears up all over again. James looks at his fiancée (yes they are yet still to marry, let's just say the celebration of their engagement brought them to the position they are currently in) and reaches over and holds her hands. He reassures his fiancée that he's sure their baby is a fighter since they themselves fought through lots previously in their mountain range like relationship. Riley looks and nods even though she is tearful, she knows she has to try believe James and stay positive for The baby. They talk about Names for their little girl and decide upon a shortlist of four. The four are Angel, Lost, Hazel and Jiley. Angel because are their little miracle, Lost because it's a word in a line from Brighter Brightest Way Back Down, Hazel as James loves rileys hazel coloured eyed and Jiley as it's them. Ironically enough Angel is also a Brighter Brightest reference. They manage to a narrow this down to Angel and Hazel then ultimately go for Angel. Angels monitors bleep and Riley turns to James and says that she's thinking of the Brighter Brightest lyrics and so he plays the song through the Small speaker that allows parents and baby to communicate and he tells Riley that he's hoping Angel will hear the lyrics and somehow even as a pretty much newborn baby understand them and do what they say. Riley agrees especially since they say "Don't say goodbye, Just open your eyes to me" which is what she really hopes her baby will do.

After a few days of this, Angel opens her eyes and after a few months she is a healthy baby and is allowed home, once again Brighter Brightest saved Riley.

Finally I finished this chapter, yes I know that I said that that last bit would be upsetting but as I was writing I realised I didn't want a sad ending so had Angel recover.

I wanna give a massive shout out to my best online friend Lucy tnsxatroupe for being my brighter brightest twin and listening everyday with me and agreeing that Guardian Angel is litterly the perfect song for jiley.

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