Chapter 3: The East Wing

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Y/N remains huddled in the corner with her head in her arms. The cell door swings open catching her off guard.

" Forgive my intrusion, miss, but I have been sent to escort you to your room." A friendly voice echoes into the cell. Y/N grabs a nearby stool, ready to strike.

" My room? But I though-----"

" What? That ' Once this door closes it will not open again, raaaur!' I know, he gets do dramatic." The voice chuckled. Y/N bounds out of the door and raises the stool, ready to hit what she thought was a grown man. Instead, he sees a candelabra waving at her. " Hello!" The candelabra said, Y/N gasps and as soon as the candelabra jumps onto the floor, she violently smacks it with the stool.

The candelabra grunts as it clatters on the stone floor. The light on his candles extinguished. One by one, he relights the candles on his arms and head. Y/N makes out two golden eyes and a petite face on the object.

" Oh, you are very strong. This is a great quality!" He says in a chipper tune, as if he wasn't hust bashed by a stool.

" What are you?" Y/N asks, still shocked.

" I am Glenn Rhee." 

" And you can talk?" Y/N asked.

" Well of course he can talk, it's all he ever does. Now Glenn, as head of the household, I demand that you put her back in her cell at once!" A stern voice comes from behind Y/N and he turns to see a golden clock climbing up the steps. Officially freaked out now, Y/N retreats to her cell, in search of a better weapon.

" What do you want to be for the rest of your life, Hershel: a man or a metal clock?" Glenn says with crossed arms or... candles. The two of them turn to see Y/N re-emerging from her cell. " Ready, miss?"  Glenn says politely before turning to Hershel. " Trust me." He whispers. 


Holding Glenn, Y/N follows Hershel across a stone walkway high above the grounds. Her eyes dart around, looking for an escape route only to see how vast the castle and woods are.

" you must forgive first impressions, I hope you are not too startled." Glenn said.

" Why would I be startled? I'm talking to a candle." Y/N says.

" Candelabra, please. Enormous difference. But consider me at your service. The castle is your home now, so feel free to go anywhere you like-" 

" Except the west wing." Hershel states. Glenn gives him a ' could-you-please-stop-talking' look. " Which we do not have!" Hershel corrects.

" Why, what's in the west wing?" Y/N asked.

" Uh... nothing. Storage space. That's it." Glenn dismisses. Y/N glances at the spooky tower of the west wing.

" This way, please! To the east wing!" Hershel declares.

" Or as I like to call it, the only wing! Watch your step!" Glenn guides.


Y/N stands outside the bedroom door, anticipating a worse room then her cell. 

" Welcome to your new home. It's modest, but comfortable...." Glenn motions for Y/N to go inside. She opens  the doors to reveal the most beautiful room she has ever seen. The entire celling is a panting of a golden sky. There is a large dresser and a comfortable bed.

Beauty and the Beast ( Carl Grimes x Reader) TWD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now