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Once upon a time in a distant land, a handsome young prince lived in a beautiful castle. Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was selfish and unkind.

" Master it's time." A stern voice spoke.

The prince's blue orbs glanced at his servant. He gestured his hand outward and a candelabra is lifted to the prince as he looks at his features in the mirror. A small smirk crawled up his face.

The large ballroom is filled with sophisticated people who are adorned in beautiful clothing. Each one of them having large smiles and rosy cheeks. Many maidens and bachelors flashed their biggest grins as the prince entered the room. He soon sat in a large golden throne and his eyes glazed over the crowd. He snapped his fingers.

The brown haired maestro nods and goes over to his piano. He takes a seat and motions to the black haired girl to start singing. As the music begins, the prince steps forward. The room is filled with melody and the guests dancing in perfect sync. The prince moves from person to person and only dances with each one of them for a few moment. His expression remained claim and emotionless and his posture upright.

Two loud knocks are heard at the glass doors connecting to the ballroom. Everyone's attention becomes directed at the abrupt noise. The doors come swinging open with the wind violently thrashing into the room. All the candles get blown out and everyone is left to look at the mysterious figure who had entered.

Then, one night, an unexpected visitor arrived at the castle, seeking shelter form the bitter storm.

The prince becomes angered and walks up towards to the cloaked form. They appeared wobbly and sickly with scruffy blond hair coming out form the edges of their hood. The old women is shivering from the storm's wrath and pulls out a singe red rose.

As a gift, he offered the prince a single rose. The prince sneered from her repulsive and weak appearance. He attempted to turn the women away but he was warned not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty if found within.

A few servants approached to usher her out, she lowered her head. The prince tried to dismiss her again but the old women's cloak fell to the ground to reveal a beautiful enchantress. The wind inside the room picks up and the guests are huddled far back inside the room.

The prince fell to his knees and attempted to apologize. The enchantress told him it was too late and that his excuses would get him nowhere. For she had seen that there was no love in his heart.

As punishment, she transformed him into a hideous beast....

The prince's blue orbs shot up in a fury of rage. His features slowly transforming as he stood up and howled. He grew sharp long fangs. Horns grew out form both sides of his skull and curled outward. His clothes were torn and he panted heavily on the ground.

The guests screamed in horror a ran from the ballroom. A short brown haired girl pushed her way through the crowd. She watched in wonder as the prince's shadow twisted into a terrifying creature. A gray haired women came rushing into the room and shielded the child. The doors slammed shut as the few who were remaining in the room watched in fear.

...and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.


Years later, a dark shadow had cascaded over the enchanted castle. It became isolated in a constant winter, never to be touched by the outside.

As days bled into years, the prince and his servants were forgot by the world. For the enchantress had erased all memory of them from the minds of the people they loved.

At the highest window in the west wing, the beast stands in front of a dusty table. The rose, already wilting, float of a delicately before him. Covering the flower was a glass casing.

But the rose she had offered was truly an enchanted rose. If he could learn to love another and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell, the spell would be broken. If not, he and his servants would be doomed to an eternal life with their curse.

The beast scraped his claws over the glass as he watched another petal fall.

                           As the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope.

                                             For who could ever learn to love a beast?

Beauty and the Beast ( Carl Grimes x Reader) TWD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now