Chapter 7: The Dance

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Carl sits in a tub that's way to small for him. His shadow displayed on a curtain as he rubs a paw through his damp fur.

" I saw her in the ballroom. and I said, ' well since you're cleaning this up, we should have a dance.' I never thought she's actually say yes! What was I thinking?!" He growled

" No, Carl, it's perfect! The rose has only four petals left. Which means tonight... you must tell her how you feel." Glenn encouraged from the other side from the curtain. Carl stood up to reveal his soaked form, his fur covering his eyes.

" I feel like a fool. She will never love me."

" Do not be discouraged." Glenn reassures. Carl shakes his coat dry like a dog, causing the water to extinguish Glenn's candles. His fur poofs out dramatically and the coat rack wipes him with a towel.  Glenn relights his flames and spits out the water. " She is the one."

" I wish you'd stop saying that!" Carl plops down into his seat in front of a mirror. " There is no one." 

" you care for her, don't you?" Glenn asks. Carl averts his gaze before nodding. "Well, then, woo her with beautiful music and romantic candlelight."

" Yes, and when the moment's just right." Maggie adds.

" But how will I know?" Carl frowns.

" You will feel slightly nauseous." Hershel adjust his small glasses while he stands on top of the table.

" Don't worry, Carl, you'll do fine." Glenn pats him on the shoulder.

" Just stop being a coward and tell Y/N how you feel. And if you don't, I promise you'll be drinking cool tea for the rest of your days." Carol threatened.

" In the dark."

" Covered in dust."

" Dark and very, very dusty." Glenn claps his candlesticks together and the staff grabs utensils.

" Start with the hair! Everyone loves nice hair." Glenn starts. Hershel grabs a hair brush and hands it to the coat rack who brushes Carl's fur.

" Brush those teeth!" Hershel demands. Glenn hops u and shines Carl's horns. Maggie powder his face. 

" Vuala!" Glenn announces as Carl gets turned to the mirror. His frown deepens.

" Ok, I can fix this!" Glenn steps forward and the staff get back to work.


Michonne finishes dressing Y/N. She looks at herself in the long mirror while Michonne adores her handiwork. Her outfit consists of a golden dress. 

" Beautiful. But something is missing." Michonne taps her top drawers as if it was a chin. She glances up seeing the dust dancing in the moonlight's glow. An idea pops in her. " Ahh, yes. The finishing touch." She softly says and sweeps her arm and the golden pieces attaching to the celling magically fly down, adorning Y/N's dress nicely.


Carl's large figure appears at the top of the steps. His fur combed back neatly and his dashing suit a dark blue adorned with golden details, similar to Y/N's dress. When his blue orbs look up, his breath is taken away by Y/N's beauty. His mouth falls a bit agape. Carl steps forward and they meet at the center, looping arms together.

Arm in arm, they enter the dazzling ballroom. It has been cleaned and scrubbed to its former glory. Y/n bows and Carl bows in return. Y/N offers him her hand and Carl hesitantly takes them. Then begin to dance, gliding across the ballroom. the staff watches them with bright smiles and hopeful eyes.


The staff shed small tears as they watch their babies grow up. Hope and excitement filling them to the brim. On top of Rick, Glenn puts an arm around Hershel pulling hi closer. Y/N and Carl stepped outdoors.

Carl and Y/N gazed out into the stars.

" I haven't danced in years. I almost forgot the feeling." Carl starts. His voice a bit quiet. Y/N chuckles and nods her head.

A moment of silence passes them. " It's foolish, I suppose, for a creature like me to hope that one day he might earn your affection." He peeked at Y/N secretly, looking for a reaction.

" I don't know..." Y/N muttered in reply, grinning slightly. Carl lit up.

" Really? So you think you can be happy here?" Carl asked, hopeful.

" Could anybody be happy if they aren't free?" Y/N looked wishfully towards the forest. " My father taught me how to dance. I used to step his toes a lot." She joked, causing Carl to snicker.

" You must miss him.."

" Very much."

Carl lets out a huff and his face scrunches, thinking. " Would you like to see him?"


Carl picks up the fragile-looking mirror and places it in Y/N's hands. She stares at the mirror.

" I wish to see my father.... please." She requested. The mirror flashed a clear image of Daryl being carried away to a iron cell.

Y/N's reacts to his suffering in extreme concern. " Papa?! What are they doing to him?!" She clutches the golden handle.

Carl turns to the rose. A moment of choice. "... Then you must go to him." His voice pained.

" What did you say?" Y/N asked, not hearing him.

" I release you. You are no longer my prisoner."

" I-I'm free?"


Before Y/N leaves, She turns and attempts to give the mirror to Carl but he pushes her off.

" Take it with you. So you'll always have a way to look back and remember me." Carl cups Y/N's face with his paw.

" Thank you." Y/N then rushes out of the room and Carl watches her as she leaves. She rushes down the stairs and bows to the coat rack. The coat rack bows sadly. Choking back tears, Y/N leaves. The coat looks up the staircase and sees Carol watching. heartbroken.


" Well, Carl, I have had my doubts, but everything is moving according. Ture love really does win the day." Hershel came Carl's room.

" I let her go." Carl replied, oddly more quiet than his normal self.

" You... WHAT?!" Hershel shakes, Glenn and Maggie enter the room, followed by Carol.

" But why?" Glenn asks.

" Because I love her."

Beauty and the Beast ( Carl Grimes x Reader) TWD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now