4 - Lies and Energy Drinks

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"Did you get to sleep after last night?" Hannah spoke as they were walking to school.

"Yeah, don't worry" he smiled, subtly lying.

"What happened last night?" Lucas asked, confusion laced in his face.

"Don't worry about it Luke" Chan ruffled his hair and they immediately dropped the topic until Lucas left to his school.

"That was pretty bad Chris" she kicked a stone absentmindedly. He really didn't want to worry her, it would stress her out as she was generally a very worried person, especially about people that meant a lot to her, like family and friends.

"It won't happen again, I took some paracetamol before I went to bed and I felt much better" they did nothing to help the dull ache, but he needed to say something to calm her nerves.

"If you say so" she sighed as he waved her off to school.

He'd put on a little bit of makeup today so his friends couldn't tell that he looked even more disastrous than the last two days.

"Hey Channie, still tired?" It obviously didn't work effectively.

"Yeah, I guess I'm just not used to being in a new house yet" he shrugged, sitting down at the table that only held Felix and Minho so far.

"Do you have your furniture at least?" Minho smiled as he handed Chan a Monster from his bag.

"Oh my god I love you, and yeah it arrived on Monday evening" he immediately gulped down a quarter of the can, earning a mildly concerned glance from Felix.

"Woah, slow down there champ, people will think you're actually drinking it for the buzz of energy and not just the taste" Minho smirked as he spoke sarcastically, but made no move to stop Chan.

"Who says that's not exactly why I'm drinking it, sorry I'm not one of those edgy teenagers who only drink it to look cool" Chan smirked back as Seungmin joined the trio.

"Why'd you even have this anyway?" Chan held it up as if it wasn't obvious that he meant the drink.

"I decided to actually go into the shop I walk past every day today and I bought myself some stuff, I already knew you'd be tired so I bought this too"

"Copying and pasting my previous statement, I love you" he reiterated before taking a few more gulps of the drink.

"Alright, who gave Chan drugs, I'm looking at you Lee Minho?" Jisung sat down next to the said boy.

"Just giving him a little energy to help him get through the day" he shrugged.

"It's not like there are actually drugs in energy drinks" Felix shrugged.

"Caffeine Felix, caffeine is a drug" Felix paused.

"Illegal drugs, no illegal drugs"

It was an early day, so Chan got home before his siblings despite them not having any clubs.

"Hey Chris, how was school" his mum was home early from work on Wednesdays. She was cleaning the insides of the windows despite them moving in literally three days ago.

"Uneventful and boring as ever" she laughed before rolling her eyes jokingly.

"Hey mum, are you sure no one lives in the house opposite us?" He asked her hesitantly, he'd seen the same eerie man at the window, he didn't stay long this time, creeped out and eager to get into the house.

There was definitely someone there, it wasn't like he was seeing things because it was quite evidently a person. Who seemed to take interest in anyone walking past the window, almost like a dog.

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