27 - I'm Still Losing Blood

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School was honestly verging on torturous. Chan had to sit through a double period of English that literally felt like the entire day concealed into almost 2 hours.

At one point it was quarter past, he blinked, and it had become 23 minutes past. It took Chan a good while to realize that he had fallen asleep whilst sitting up.

It really didn't surprise him that he was flinching at the littlest things. The problem was that his friends were noticing and shooting each other worried glances that Chan was surprisingly actually able to decipher in his perpetually hazed mind.

It had been a little under three days since the boy had gotten a proper sleep, averaging to about an hour a night, not even, and it was starting to show.

At this point, he's trying to figure out if him seeing these people is his new 'ability' or actually sleep deprivation. He voted for the former since he's still seeing the same people, but he knew actual hallucinations (not just ones that he thought were hallucinations but were really ghosts) could arrive from a significant lack of sleep.

Chan hadn't processed that it was lunch when it was, resolving in not traveling to the cafeteria to buy any and instead just sitting at the table with nothing. His mind kept drifting off and he'd blink for a second before becoming frustratingly confused as to what was going on.

"Chan, are you genuinely okay" Changbin eventually asked, earning the attention of the others.

Chan didn't answer.

They gave each other a confused glance.

"Chan?" It was Minho this time. Chan had his eyes closed now and was sitting quite still other than his trembling hands.

Suddenly the boy's eyes opened again and he looked to everyone with creased eyebrows.

Nobody got to say anything when Chan slumped forward against Hyunjin, who grabbed onto his shoulders to look at his face.

"I think he just fainted?!" He realized, still holding Chan up so that he wouldn't literally obliterate his face on the table.

"Holy shit" Changbin stood up along with Felix and the two walked around and crouched next to Chan and Hyunjin.

Chan opened his eyes and pulled away from Hyunjin slowly, blinking to gain his vision back.

"Sorry" he muttered in a confused state, a blur of fog still across his eyesight and a headache beginning to form from the back of his head.

"Chan I think you need to go home?" Seungmin suggested, now also crouching down next to Changbin and Felix. Chan didn't answer again.

The boy had looked up and scanned the cafeteria, a feeling in the back of his mind that he was being watched, and not just by his friends.

He couldn't really see anything due to the blur and he was about to give up searching until he saw her again; the teacher with the stab wounds.

And he recalled the fact that this woman, was dead, and she was fully aware that Chan had the ability to see her, if the constant staring was anything to go by. The person he was looking at right now, was real, but not alive, and Chan was the only one who could see her.

She was dead.

She was dead.

She was a ghost.

It shook Chan to his core.

The trembling in his hands got worse along with his blurry eyesight. But that made sense when tears immediately began to fall from his eyes, making it even harder for him to see.

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