7 - Concerns and Falsifications

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Chan was honestly just excited to sleep when Saturday rolled around. Hyunjin had invited the lot of them round to his house for a sleepover and his house was so nice. Containing big rooms and high ceilings.

He knew the guys would want to stay up late watching a movie or playing video games, but honestly Chan just wanted to have a good nights sleep.

He thought it would be easier to fall asleep when there were people around him, feeling safer and all. So whilst his friends would be playing among us or watching a scary movie, he'd be in the depths of dreamland.

"Daaaaad" Chan rounded the corner to the living room, quite obviously asking for a favour.

"Sooooon" his dad replied, copying Chan in the exact same tone.

"You know how neither you nor mum have work this weekend and therefore don't need your cars" he smiled nicely as if that was going to help him in this situation.

"Yes Chris, you can take my car to Hyunjin's, it better be in good condition when you come back tomorrow though" he squinted his eyes and Chan jumped up and down.

"Yesss, thank you, love you" he called back once he stole the keys and headed to the car after putting all of his pre-packed stuff in.

Chan knew his father would say yes since he was always so careful with it and never left a dent as long as the man didn't need it for the weekend. So Chan had already texted Felix and Changbin saying he'd pick them up, Felix lived closer, so he was first, and as a result, shotgun.

"I can't believe your dad lets you drive his car when he doesn't need it, mine would never, my mum maybe, but not my dad" Felix rambled, playing with the radio and selecting a good station whilst they were on their way to Changbin's.

"Felix, you don't even have your drivers' license" Chan snorted, making the turn into Changbin's street and parking in front of his house.

"Yes I know, but when I do get my license, I'm just saying my dad would never trust me"

"That's because your literally the clumsiest person I know" Felix was about to say something else before Changbin opened the door to the backseat and slid in, immediately clicking the seatbelt in.

"How come Lix gets shotgun"

"'Cause his house is closer and therefore he gets passenger seat privileges" Changbin just pouted, making Felix laugh as he looked through the rearview mirror.

They arrived at Hyunjin's house after about 10 minutes and they all got out once Chan pulled into Hyunjin's now free driveway to park, due to the fact that both the boys' parents were gone for the weekend.

"Ayyy, hello. Seungmin and Minho are already here" Hyunjin let them in and led them to the living room where the other two were sitting and chatting, a coke in both of their hands.

There were drinks and snacks in the middle of the room. Chan smiled, Hyunjin always knew how to do a sleepover well, providing them with the best. It was almost a luxury.

It was a good day, Hyunjin's parents were out on a small trip to his aunt's house so they didn't have to try and be quiet, especially with the karaoke that they always seemed to end up doing, which made it all the much better.

Chan ended up driving himself, Minho, Jeongin and Jisung to McDonald's for dinner since all eight of them wouldn't be able to fit in the car.

By the time they got back, the other four had set up the beds in the living room, which was literally just a bunch of mattresses pushed together to make one big bed.

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