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Chapter Twenty Six ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Going through the powerful portal, Luca braced himself for an attack. When nothing came, he sent the royal couple a message that everything was clear and they followed him inside.

They could see due to their powers, but the room was very dark, almost like a dungeon.

It was a prison cell, they realised. The person they sent must have been a prisoner who they wouldn't mind losing.

The situation they were in was better than they anticipated by a long run, which was unusual for them. They were used to falling into the worst possible situations they could imagine, not this. Dahlia quietly created a portal for them to pass through the prison bars and they all walked out, cautiously.

There weren't any other prisoners, but there were half decayed corpses and piles of bones which most likely belonged to a long dead creature. The scent was extremely repulsive to their sensitive noses, making them want to get out of there as fast as possible.

They walked through a long hallway lined with rusted and moist cells with shackles hanging from the walls, some containing limbs and other various body parts.

Their footsteps were quiet, no human nor creature could hear them walk, despite the peacefulness of the prison.

Dahlia was in the middle, Luca infront of her and Alexander (being the tallest) in the back.

Dahlia took Alexabder's hand in her own and gripped Luca's exposed forearm, burning a sigil in all three of them. It was a small sigil, a starish shape with soft angles and a purple dot in the middle. They all understood through their newly developed link that it was a sigil that allowed them to know where each of them was at any given moment and whether they were alive or 'dead'.

Dahlia was slightly scared that she would experience death for the first time ever that day, at least the death Alexander and Luca could go through. It was more of a temporary coma, as they described.

She didn't even know what could kill her, but she didn't exactly want to experiment too much.

She remembered to burn another sigil into their flesh, one that would mask their scent entirely and identity if possible. It was an odd sigil, entirely made up of gashes and lines.

She let go of them and they continued walking, eventually coming up to a stair case. They slowly started climbing it and the higher they got, the more noises they could hear.

"... we do.... no..... absolutely! ....work.... effort.... they will die! They have to!" A man angrily shouted, his voice making anyone else's seem barely audible.

"Who is it?" Dahlia mouthed.

'I'm not sure.' Luca answered.

'His voice is familiar to me.'  She continued.

'I haven't heard it before.' Alex joined their conversation.

Dahlia created a portal as a peep hole when they reached the top of the staircase. Looking through it, she didn't see any movement.

She enlarged the portal, allowing Luca to walk through it as she and Alex followed his lead.

They walked into a very old army basement, it almost looked like an atomic shelter built during one of the first two World Wars.

The floor, ceiling and walls were made of polished concrete and the lights were very bright leds, making their sensitive eyes hurt after being in the dark for so long.

They adjusted quickly an moved with greater speed than any jet could, passing the monotone long hallway with ease.

They walked through several more empty hallways, following the sound of the angry man.

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