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Chapter 31 ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

The hours ticked by, minute by minute, second by second. All of which Dahlia spent in a safe house, worrying about what was happening to her beloved friends and mate.

"Has anybody talked to you?" Isaac asked from the living room couch which he was sprawled on like a spoiled house cat.

"I would've told you, Isaac." Dahlia replied, angry at herself for feeling useless in such a crucial moment in the war.

"Sorry, sis." He rolled his eyes and stretched. Dahlia half expected him to start licking his hands as if they were paws.

She continued pacing, trying to think of ways to help the right side win the war. Though, as she kept reminding herself, the Lords, Lady and the King were more than enough for a victory on their own and she wasn't exactly a necessity to their group. It irked her, but kept her in place at the safe house.

"Isaac. Is there a way I could see what's happening without being there?" She asked her lazy brother.

"I could project if you'd like." Isaac said. Projecting was one of his talents, Alex had mentioned once or twice before, a talent he had honed quite recently.

"But you would be the one seeing it, not me. I have to see it with my own two eyes to believe it." She dismissed the idea.

"You could be in my mind as I do it. You'd see everything I do." He suggested.

"Is it dangerous?" She asked.

"Not really."

"Then let's do it. What do you have to do? Is there anything you need?" She asked.

"Just stay silent, both inside my head and outside. You need to be a spectator, not a participant." He said.

"Try to find Alex, if you can."

He nodded and closed his eyes. "You can come in now." He said.

She tried, working her way through the layers of his psyche to get to the part of his that was his awareness. It seemed so much easier than ever before, probably because Isaac was pullinv her into his head and because they were directly related.

She was in. As soon as he felt their minds click together, he projected himself onto a balcony in the castle.

The image was a blur of movement, men and women fighting it out to the death. Magic fragranced the air, cries split the night and blood soaked the soil.

Isaac looked  loser at the bodies littering the gardens. Each body belonged the rebelling side. Some were of the nobles themselves, but most were of lower-ranking soldiers.

Not a single body was of Dahlia and Alex's army. Isaac looked closer at the battling soldiers.

They were fighting among eachother. Someone must have created an illusion for them to do so.

Isaac quickly projected into the inside of the castle, walking the now empty halls which used to be swarming with life. He followed the sounds of battle into one of the conference rooms. All of the Lords and Lady were fighting some of the more powerful members of the rebellion and seemingly winning the fights, as one might expect.

Thanatos wasn't with them. Isaac continued his search for the King throughout the entire castle, but his search proved futile.

The King was gone.

**this is an unedited chapter, keep that in mind. I wanted to post it as soon as possible so you could read it, but i will (hopefully) edit it later**
P.S. the picture is a suggestion for the safe house

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