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Chapter Five ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Dedicated to Calicogoyang-i, Mikaela0123456 and TianiiBurgerr.

The bright crescent moon hung low on the night sky and Dahlia was feeling very nostalgic looking at it. She reminisced of the nights she walked home from work, looking up at it and wondering what inspired so many book authors, artists and poets to make such beatiful art.

She couldn't see the beauty in it anymore and it deeply saddened her.

It was a nostalgic moment in her life. Memories were flooding her brain; from her traumatic childhood to her current misery. The promise she made to never be who her father wanted her to be was flushed in the toilet like a dead pet goldfish. Looking down at her hands, she could only see blood. It was climbing up her forearms and shoulders where it clung to her neck, suffocating her in a rope of anxiety and deep-rooted fear.

She wasn't doing too well. The murders didn't upset her when she was still in her early stages of becoming a creature, but now that her mind cleared up (albeit only slightly) and her painfully strong bond developed, she was doubting everything.

The bond was causing her both physical and emotional pain. She woke up this morning feeling oddly empty and shallow, like there was nothing of importance about her. She couldn't pinpoint what it was that had changed, but Alexander's voice in her head shook her to reality. The memory was still fresh in her head, deeply engraved like the sigils on her skull.

"Dahlia?" She heard a faint whisper. Assuming she was imagining things, she continued eating her cinnamon cereal.

Another, much louder call had her down in a second and calling to the Goddess in a cry of despair.

Her insides felt like they were shredding to pieces and being stitched back with no mercy of sedatives or a warning.

The Goddess never came and Dahlia was left to her misery until she passed out in weakness, much like her mate did when she wasn't with him.

A few hours later, she was awake. The moon must have given her enough strenght to wake up and hoped to find something to do about the bond before dawn, when she would get weaker again.

She looked through many books and sigils, but the only thing she could find was a sigil to immobilise the bond completely until the sigil is removed, which was out of the question. She was doing this for him and she feared that she would stop if she had no motivation, which would lead to things she doesn't even want to imagine.

Maybe she could make her own sigil. It would drain her for an additional day or two, but she could make it so that it is specific to their bond and would work when she wanted it to and however long she wanted it to.

Opening up one of her older books, she turned to chapter twelve where all failed experiments and spells were written in hopes that someone would fix their mistake.

She flipped through the pages until she found spell thirteen; how to make a sigil. She knew that most of the spells required far more power than any of the witches who wrote the book owned, but she luckily did.

The spell asked for a physical matter that bonded the victim and whoever was using the spell, a drop of blood from the spell-caster and a whole lot of magic.

It seemed simple enough. She needed to add her own twists to it to make it as personalised as possible and she needed to create a symbol for it.

However, there was another problem. The caster and the victim both needed to have the sigil on them.

This means that Dahlia would have to lure Alexander into a trap and touch him- without him reacting to her disappearance and reappearance with no injuries- thus inflicting him with the sigil and somehow escaping him, which was next to impossible. He was a very old vampire who could also cast spells and use magic (that isn't as strong as hers but was close enough due to her inexperience). The part where she still had some of his magic blended with her own wasn't ideal either.

She had to be careful about not creating a sigil that would completely hide the bond, but rather connect their souls so that they wouldn't feel the consequences of being far apart and such. It would be like looking at a picture of eachother and feeling like they were seeing in real life.

She walked back inside and started preparing for the task.


The sigil spell was a mess. After a long time of perfecting it, she was done with the design and had gathered all ingridients except for Alexander's ring a drop of his blood.

She needed the ring because it was the physical bond between her and him (as well as Thanatos). She would use her necklace as her 'side' of the bond.

She needed to go to another city where she would lure Alexander to and trap him (hopefully). Then she could use spells and potions to paralyse and blind him, because making him go unconscious would be impossible without harming him (which Dahlia wasn't ready for emotionally and especially due to the bond).

She walked the window of her room and saw the Sun's first rays breaking across the horizon. She walked back to her luggage and looked for the herbs she bought during the night that would hopefully lull her to a painlessly calm slumber, rather than the mouth-foaming torture she endured the morning prior.

She brewed a cup of strong tea and gulped it down as soon as she could, ignoring the hot tempeture of it.

The herbs in it made her see silhouettes for the first few seconds, but she gave out as soon as the moon's effect washed away and the sun hit her pale skin.

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