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Chapter Four ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Dedicated to FallenAngelLV

"Are you sure there were no recent purchases of curare?" The King asked the young man working in the weapon shop.

"No, I am absolutely sure. The poison hasn't been on sale since I've started working here." He assured him.

"Do you have it in your storage?"

"I can check if you want."

"Can I come with you?"

"I guess."

They walked to the back of the store. It was surprisingly in order and the produce was organised in jars on the many metal shelves lining the walls.

The employee walked to the herbs and posions, only to start looking around the jars and checking each and every one, each time slightly more panicked.

"It's gone isn't it?" Alexander asked with a frown.

"Yes, yes it is. That was very strong curare, too. Very valuable."


'BREAKING NEWS: Toby Hillian, a wanted warlock who twisted magic in ways that we couldn't even fanthom was found dead in a small cabin where police believe he resided. His eyes were gouged out with arrows and his head was removed from his body and burned in a fireplace next to it. There was also an alarming sigil on the man's neck, a sigil that only the gods could have used, I repeat, the gods! We might be facing a problem bigger than The Great War but we have no idea who or what it is. Police believe the culprit is in the viscinity of the murder, somewhere around Holloway Hills. Please, stay safe and don't leave your children alone, for we could be dealing with a very powerful deity. Take care, Paul Rogers.'

Dahlia was on the move immediately. She was sloppy, but it was her first kill. She needed to and should have trained more before going after the man, but she wanted this nightmare to end as soon as possible.

She packed all her precious stolen goods and packed the vampire blood she drained from a frequent flyer of a nearby brothel. It should be enough to keep her sated and sane until she settled down in a town far away from here. She was thankful that she at least had the option of choosing who she kills and when. It gave her enough freedom to go wherever she wants, but she still had to prepare for days before attempting to assasinate the target. It put her in a difficult spot currently, because she had no idea where to go.

She first had to choose a victim. Then, she found out basic info about them, and went to the city they live in. She followed them and planned strategically how to kill them and made sure to find out their strenghts and weaknesses - at least that was what she did last time.

She obviously didn't prepare well enough. She took her winter jacket out of the closet and put it on, making sure her hair and skin was covered well. She took a scarf and wrapped it around her mouth and neck, tucking the loose ends into the jacket. Lastly, she slung her half-empty bag on her shoulder and pulled on gloves.

She decided that she should ditch all her posions and weapons after all because she was sure Alexander or his Guard already checked the weapon shops and found out which weapons she stole. If she used any of them together, they would know it was her who killed the person.

She learned her lesson and would leave no trace for her next mission.

In a situation like this, teleporting would be ideal, but she was too weak to do so and she didn't have a single idea where to go.

The King's Queen |2|Where stories live. Discover now