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Chapter Six ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Dedicated to bts_legends_. Thank you for voting and for the follow! ♡

She snuck around the familiar building. Nobody seemed to notice her which proved her expertise at imitating the shadows clinging to the cobblestone walls. It has been three nights since her mate bond developed and since she started working on the sigil. Over time, she formed a plan which she was in the middle of executing. She travelled to the castle partially by bus and by foot during the night prior to this one. She arrived at dawn, just in time to book a room in another motel and drug herself to sleep.

The plan was dangerous and there was no room in it for failure, which was why her heart wasn't beating as calmly as it does normally.

She snuck to the castle entrance and slipped in quietly. The hall was mostly empty, but a few night-owls and vampires were lounging on the blue couches placed in the corners of the room.

Nobody payed her any attention, which meant that her sigils were effective. Upon entering, she destroyed the electronics and cameras that could have recorded her with her newly developing magic. It was so severe that it melted the components in the lenses and boiled all of the high tech liquid cabels that brought electricity to them.

She walked to the guards guarding the entrance to the VIP elevator and walked between them. The doors of the elevator were closed, but the elevator itself was thankfully on the same level as she was, the lobby. Focusing her magic on the heavy metal doors, she created the same portal she did in her first victim's house and for the same reason.

She walked through it and the camera inside was destroyed in the same way as the ones outside. She closed the portal and pressed the button for his suite.

With every 'ding' signallising a new floor that has been passed, Dahlia grew more and more nervous.

The doors opened to the familiar hallway. She walked to her room which was wide open, only to find her mate sprawled on the bed, with one foot already inside a grave. His skin was paler than it ever was, with sweat glistening all over it like fine mica. His hair was stuck together and wet from the sweat accumulating on his forehead.

His chest heaved up and down unevenly, unnerving Dahlia.

However, this was a perfect opportunity for her. It would mean far less work for her and thankfully far less harm to him, not that he wasn't already in pain.

Maybe it wasn't the bond that was causing her pain earlier, maybe it was his pain and him crying out for help that was channeled to her through the bond that was always there. What if he knew she was alive?

"It's pretty realistic, isn't it?" He spoke from behind her as a dagger flew by her head and into Alexander's chest, only to stab the bed underneath him and for his body to turn into a pale smoke.

She turned and ran for the balcony as soon as she registered his voice, but his body blocked the french doors.

She looked up at his face. The illusion he created wasn't too dramatic in regards to his actual appearance. His cheeks were sunken in, as were his now extremely pale blue eyes which missed the spark that used to dance around them. His white dress shirt hung loosely around his skeletal frame, and his pants were still on him only thanks to the leather belt holding them up. But the scariest part of his appearence were the deep blue veins that were even more exaderrated due to his underwight frame. They did not look like something that could happen naturally, no, they looked like the result of a potent toxin or very dark magic. Emotionally, Dahlia could see nothing. He was stoic as ever.

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