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Chapter Thirteen ▪︎ The King's Queen |2|

Dedicated to Save_me_love and VanessaOrtega433

Days passed quickly in the lab. The doctors monitored Dahlia's sleep and constantly ran test results on her. She felt that it was a rewarding process, because she got to develop her skills and delve deeper in her genetics.

Anything regarding her power and magic was tested, but her mental strength was a question left unanswered due to the sigils carved in her head.

They have yet to figure out who exactly put them there, but they were in no rush.

The person (or people) hasn't contacted Dahlia since she reunited with her mate.

All of her possible telekinetic and telepathic, maybe even empathic abilities were a question yet to be answered.

There was an odd match in her genetics and her mate's. They shared the same difference in chromosomes that hadn't ever been noticed before. The doctors were sure that The King had never had an extra chromosome before he was mated to Dahlia, but they didn't know if she did. They assumed that it is what is causing their unique bond and what is connecting them.

There was another test that hadn't been done.

"Do you think we could ever have children?"

The tension could be cut with a knife due to her question.

"Do you want to?" He turned around slowly.

He sure did.

"Yes, I think so. But I'm afraid..." Her eyes glazed in the Chaos.

"Of what?"

His embrace calmed her enough to continue talking.

"What if the child dies? If it's mortal? I don't think I could take it dying. What if one of our enemies takes it from us? We would both go Chaotic and there would be no going back that time."

The thoughts were causing anxiety in her, but she knew with all her heart that she wanted a child. Not a heir, just an off-spring. A materialisation of their love and bond.

"We can ask Dr. Tanya to test us, if you'd like. As for your worries, we can always turn her into a vampire. My blood would make her extremely strong and we would always be protecting her. You don't need to worry about such matters."

"How do you that she would be a girl?" She glanced at him with a smile.

"Just a fatherly instinct."

"Fatherly instict, my ass. You want another woman to cuddle. Am I not enough for you?" She jokingly asked in an elderly british accent.

"Pardon me, but how could I not want to have a little girl like you when you are so lovely yourself?" He jumped at her and started tickling her sides.

"I'll show you lovely!" She laughed endlessly as she snuck her hands under his shirt and started tickling his stomach.

It's safe to say that the evening didn't end in just tickling.


"What do you think, could The King and I have a child?" She asked the red doctor.

"I would have to condone a test to answer  to that question. But, the extra chromosome might be causing us a problem. It's as if you both had faulty genetics or the same genetic illness and then had a child. There would be a much greater chance of the child having the illness or faulty genes. Or in your case, whatever comes with the chromosome." Dr. Tanya changed the bottle that had slowly filled up with her blood.

"But if the chromosome isn't present in my eggs or his seed, you are saying that there might be a chance of this child being concieved?"

"Yes, that might be a good idea to test. However, if you were serious about having a child, it must be in the next 10-20 years or else you might run out of eggs or the pregnancy could be a miscarriage. Though we still don't know how your reproductive system functions. For all we know, your eggs could double each time you ovulate."

"So, we should decide quickly is what you're saying?"

"May I tell you my personal opinion?" The doctor suddenly asked, letting go of the medical equipment along with the proffesional attitude.


"If you want to have a child, go for it. You and your mate will live forever and if he means as much to you as he does to all of us, do this if not for you, then for him. He never had a family or anyone to care for before you. His mother died while he was human, but even then she couldn't be much of a mother to him due to her illness. They loved eachother, but that love could never flourish. He never had a sibiling or a cousin. Do this for him. Of course it is your choice, but I know that deep down you want it as much as he does but your fears are stopping you."

She looked at the ruby necklace she woke up with once she was revived in her tomb.

He gave her everything she ever wanted. How could she not want a child with him?  The child would be a miracle.

Dr. Tanya interrupted her thoughts. "You should still wait until the tests are completed. I will make sure that the child would have a chance at surviving before giving you a professional opinion."

"Thank you."


The hallway was empty, old paintings littering the dark red walls. They were blurry so she didn't pay them much attention.

"Forward." The captivating voice spoke.

This was the goddess' voice, not the person speaking to her in her death.

She walked forward to the outdoor garden.

A woman covered by a black robe sat on the ground, a baby deer by her side, sleeping soundly.

"Come closer, Dahlia."

She did. The cloak was blown off of the Goddess by a strong wind, revealing a grey dress and white long hair. Her eyes were drawing Dahlia in like a magnet, it was as though she was coming closer and closer to her - until she walked through her pupil and into a dark room.

The woman appeared once more.

"You are aware of your immortality."

She nodded.

"You know why you and your mate both share it."


"You were touched."

"Can we have children?"

The Queen started coming closer to her once more. Her pupils dilated fully, Dahlia was now close enough to see her own sleeping form in bed. She stepped through and into the bedroom, falling onto herself, waking with a gasp.

"What is it?" Alexander rolled her to himself.

"I think we should talk."

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