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Chapter Sixteen  ▪ The King's Queen |2|

The dinner was going nicely. Lord Sergej and Jason were telling jokes and tales of their adventures, most of them involving Alexander.

Lady and Zeno seemed to be conversing telepathically, a grim expression on their faces.

What is it? Dahlia asked them telepathically, hoping they'd hear her.

They didn't respond.

I know you can hear me. She lied.

I think we all know you don't. Zeno responded woth a smile.

As charming and alluring he was, she could sense an air of chilliness coming off from him. She knew for a fact that the vampires she was dining with were cold blooded killers, even Isaac.

He killed his own father, in front of his baby sister. That's quite cold, even for them.

Don't avoid the question. What is it?

A matter we are not yet ready to discuss.


Some people here might have negative reactions.

I can assure you I'll keep an open mind.

We want to stop the King's rule.

Excuse me?

Not like that. We want to introduce democracy to the kingdoms.

We want to make a kingdom where all creatures have a representative in a council of sorts. Lady further explained Zeno's vague answers.

Why do you deem that necessary? Alexander scowled at them, intruding upon their conversation.

"You weren't supposed to hear that, Alexander." Dahlia turned to him.

"And yet I did."

"What's going on?" Sergej interrupted.

"The ladies and Zeno are planning to start a democracy in the Kingdom." Alexander explained.

"Really? I was thinking of the same thing, but I was kind of scared to mention it before the King found his Queen." Sergej admitted, Jason nodding along.

"Is the Kingdom doing that bad?" Alex mumbled.

"If you were to do your damn work, you'd know." Isaac scoffed.

"What do you mean?" Dahlia butted in, before Alex could reply.

"The King hasn't been much of a king lately, poor Arnold has to do his work for him." Sergej explained.

"First he spent most of his time searching for you, and once he found you, trying to impregnate you." Isaac scoffed, drinking the coke and blood mixture both he and Alexander so thoroughly enjoyed.

"You should've told me, Alex."

"But you render me speechless every time I try..." He tried charming her.

"Stop that." She smiled.

"Anyways!" Isaac bellowed. "What of the democracy?" He questioned Lady and Zeno.

"Well, we haven't thought up much of plan, other than making a Council consisting of a single representative of every creature species there is. "

"Would we pick them for their power? It'd be stupid to have a representative who is weaker than the people it's representing." Jason butted in.

"We should make a list of the ten most powerful on every creature and have an election. Only the creatures who belong to the species can vote." Dahlia suggested.

"Would we have a president?" Lady asked, staring at Alexander pointedly.

" I don't think my authority will lessen if I'm not king anymore. Maybe the title is uneccesary. People follow me because they respect me, not because of my riches or whatever else you might think they do."

"Dude, they're scared shitless of you." Hudson looked at him incredously.

"What can I do about that?"

"I don't know, become less scary?"

"Should we come out to the people?" Dahlia cut off their conversation by asking Alexander the 'forbidden' question, reffering to their forever masked identities.

"Dude, you can't be gay, can you?" Hudson asked. His mate remained silent, unable to memorise any talk on the table due to the spell cast upon her.

"Our identites, Hudson." Thanatos blazed, his dislike for the Lord showing. He still hadn't forgotten how he left Dahlia that night in the woods while he was having fun with his mate.

"Oooh, the boss man is back! Haven't seen you in a while." Zeno tipped his imaginary hat down.

"Can't say I missed you." Thanatos smirked, pulling Dahlia to his lap. He yearned for her comfort already. "That geysir thing was so hot I wanted to-"

"Save that for later, please." She stopped him from continuing, not because she was embarrased, but because she was afraid she would be in a sticky situation if they got horny and the Lords were still at the castle. Sje'd rather get the dinner/meeting over with before continuing to more promiscous subjects with her mate in their shared four walls.

He tightened his hold on her waist, pulling her up higher on his thighs, brushing her back with his nether regions. "As you wish." He kissed his mark on her neck possesively.

"Continue." He looked on to Lady with a fatherly warmth in his eyes, something unusual to see in the famously murderous red orbs of Thanatos.

"The identities thing is a smart move. Your people would feel far more comfortable fighting with and for you if they knew who you are. Especially that your mate isn't human. You could tell them you turned her, her true powers can stay hidden." Lady looked on to Zeno for support regarding the next matter.

"There would have to be a war. Some nobles could never accept that their reign is over, especially the European families. The next biggest problem would be distrust in the Council, the only solution for that would be declarations signed and sworn in blood oaths." Zeno continued her speech.

"What of the humans?" Dahlia questioned. "Are they the reason for this revolution?"

"Yes, partially. If the humans die out, so do the vampires. If the planet is ruled by witches and lycans and what not, we would be in deep shit. Not to mention the bloodlusty vampires that would come with the lack of humans."

"So, the wars we have previously fought to gain apsolutism have been futile and all that is left is to make a democracy." Thanatos declared.

"Yes, I suppose they have."

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