Chapter 9: I Can Barley Make New Best Friends

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*Harry's POV*

Opening my eyes I saw that me and Kaia were still in the same position that we fell asleep in last night. Someone had thrown a blaket over us and moved the laptop off the bed. I smiled and wrapped my arms tighter around Kaia. Giving her a peck on the nose she began to wake up. "Goodmorning beautiful" I said pecking her lips. She pecked mine back and just stared into my eyes. 

"What do we have planed for today?" she asked eventually. 

"Well the boys and I have nothing to do today so I thought we could have a lazy day with eachother." I said sitting up. She nodded her head in agreement. 

"Well first things first, I want food" Kaia said lifting herself out of my grasp and skipping out the door towards the kitchen. I heard a scream that sounded like Kaia and ran out with the first thing I could grab. 

"WHAT'S WRONG. WHO'S GETTING RAPED?!" I asked sliding to a stop. 

"No one..... and really Harry a lamp?" She asked pointing to the lamp in my hand. 

"Shut up.... now what's wrong?" I said putting the lamp down and wrapping my arms around her waist. 

"Look behind you" She said. I turned around and saw Perrie drinking some milk in her pajama's. 

"Yea it's Perrie" I said almost questioning. 

"Exactly! Now let me go! And why did no one ever tell me that she was coming here?" Kaia asked wiggling out of my grip and running over to Perrie. I shrugged my shoulders and sighed. 

"When did you get here Perrie?" I asked pouting. 

"Late last night. I suprised Zayn" she said happily. "Oh and Harry you wanna tell me who this is?" she asked pointing at Kaia. 

"My girlfriend Kaia Gallagher" I said yanking her back over to me. Perrie squeeled jumping up and down and hugged her. 

"Yay you fit with us!" She squeeled. Kaia thought fir a moment then realized what she was talking about. 

"OMG! I do! PERrie Edwards, Eleanor CaldER, Danielle PeazER, and me! Kaia GallaghER!" she said hugging Perrie back. 

"Omg Dani and El are going to be here later today.... we so totally need to go shopping!" Perrie said taking Kaia's hand and dragging her into the living room. I sighed and got some orange jucie for myself. I'll give her a girls day. 

"What's up with you?" Zayn asked groggoly walking into the kitchen. 

"Your girlfriend just stole my girlfriend" I said sipping my drink. 

*Kaia's POV*

 A few hours later El and Dani arrived. By that time the rest of the boys besides Zayn and Harry wen't awake so once I was dressed we would leave for the closest mall. The girls decided to pick and out fit for me, so I was just kinda sitting there as I watched them fight over who got to pick out what and stuff like that. "No! That doesn't go you twat!" El said taking a shirt from Dani. 

"Come on yes it does!" Dani argued back. It went on like this for awhile until they all turned around, satisfied with there choice. They had picked out a grey and blue striped sweater with my dark blue jeggings and my wedge combat boots. Perrie threw me one last thing. I caught it and saw it was my faveorite grey beret. 

"Thanks girls!" I said once I was dressed. 

"Oh, we're not done yet." Dani said. 

"We're doing your hair and make up to!" El said bouncing up and down. I shrugged my shoulders and sat back down. Once they we're done I looked in the mirror and saw a beautiful face, it didn't even look like me. They had put bright red lip stick on and did the most natural looking eye make up that I have ever seen, yet some how it made my hazely eyes pop. Shaking my head I saw they had curled it into tiny beachy waves and french braided a halo around the back of my head. (External Link)

"So you like?" Dani asked from behind me. 

"What do you think I hate it!? You guys are amazing!!!" I said hopping up and hugging them. (Picture: what Dani, El, and Perrie wore)

"Glad you like it, should we go then before the boys wake up?" Perrie asked. We nodded and walked out of my room. 

"You finally off to the mall?" Harry asked once we stepped into the living room thing. I nodded and walked up to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and in return I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Now what ever happen to that lazy day?" Harry asked in my ear.

"Tomorrow?" I giggled. He nodded and pecked my lips. Just as I was about to walk away Harry caught my arm. 

"And tomorrow I expect no make up, your beautiful the way you are" He whispered pecking my lips once more. I nodded and pecked his back. The girls and I linked arms and skipped out of the hotel. In the car I sat next to Perrie in the back as Dani drove and El sat upfront. 

"So Kaia, how old are you?" Dani asked not taking her eyes off the rode. 

"14" I said quietly. 

"Wow Harry wasn't kidding when he said that he would date a 14 year old" El giggled. Perrie saw me looking worried and patted my shoulder. 

"It's cool, I mean look at Dani, she's 26 and Liams 19" Perrie said reassuringly. I nodded and thanked her. This would be and interesting day. 


After a good four hours of shopping Perrie, El, Dani, and I walked back into the hotel with linked arms over our shopping bags. Grabbing my key for the hotel room I unlocked still laughing and talking with them. The door swung open to a room filled with the boys. They immediately stopped talking and doing what ever they were doing and stared at us. It took them a few seconds to realize who I was with but soon enough Louis followed by Liam tackled Eleanor and Danielle. Perrie and I looked at each other and cracked up at how stupid they looked covered in shopping bags and underneath there boyfriends.

Everyone soon calmed down and we all went back to our rooms to spend a little time together. "So you had a good time today?" Harry asked as he pulled his shirt off. I smiled and nodded trying to ignore his hot body. "I see you checking me out over there" Harry said walking over to me. I blushed and looked down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and engulfed me into his warmth. 

"Your warm" I said snuggling my head into his chest. He chuckled but kept his arms around me. A thought hit me. "Hey, wait where are those four nipples?" I asked pulling back laughing. Harry laughed too and took my hands.

"Here," he said putting my hand on the one by his pec, "And here" He said putting my hand on the other one on his abs. I smiled and ran my hands down his abs and around his back to his lower back. "Now that you've seen them....." He said bending down and kissing me. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him back. 

Hay hay hay! LIkey the chapter? I think I'm gonna make the next one even stemier, then the next one I think I'm gonna have them leave to go to another concert place. We'll see! Love Yea y baby goats! <3 xx

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