Chapter 8: I Can Barely Explain Where I Am

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*Kaia's POV*

"I can't believe you guys are leaving all ready!" I whined as me and the boys walked Ariyeh and Saydi to the car. It had been a fun filled week all ready and Ari and Saydi we're leaving me with the lunatics we call One Direction.

"Don't worry babes, we'll talk all the time" Ari said hugging me. I nodded and pulled back letting her hug the boys as I went over to hug Saydi. 

"Tell me how that Aren guy works out for you" I whispered in her ear. She giggled and nodded happily. 

"I will don't worry" she said as she went to hug the boys. After another round of hugs Ari's mom pulled up and they hopped in the car. 

"Oh! Kaia!" Ari yelled as she rolled down the window. My head perked up to see what she said. "Jo has been bugging me to tell you to text him" She continued. I nodded my head and pulled out my phone.

"I'll text him right now Ari!" I yelled back.

"That's my girl!" She yelled as the car began to pull away. I yanked my phone up and began to text furiously. 

To: Jo :)

OMG! HEY!!!!!!! I'm sorry we havn't talked in soooo looonnggg but I have so much news for you! Pls don't be mad :)

He texted back instantaneously. 

From: Jo :) 

Hey babe! I'm not mad, don't worry! When you coming home though? And what's the news. 

To: Jo:)

Thats the thing, I might not be coming home for awhile. Skype me and I'll tell you everything ;)


From: Jo :)

Ok I'll be on in ten.....

I glanced up from my phone to see me and Harry were the only ones left in the parking lot. "You gonna come in babe?" Harry asked. I smiled and blushed. 

"Yeah. Sorry I just got really excited to talk to my friend again." I said as we walked inside. 

"Jo?" He asked. I nodded. "Just a friend?" he asked again. 

"Yes just a friend Haz. No need to be worried." I said stopping and turning to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and gave me deep kiss. We pulled back and continued walking until we got back to our room. I plopped on the bed and pulled out my laptop. 

"Are you really going to Skype him now?" Harry pouted. I rolled my eyes and nodded. 

"Give me two minutes to explain where I am then you can come talk to him too and show me off all you like" I exaggerated. Harry grinned like a cheshire cat and nodded happily. I smiled back and clicked on Jo's name to call him. He picked up after a few rings. 

"KAIA!" He screamed. 

"Jo!" I laughed back. He smiled and just stared at me. "Hey are you in the barn?" I asked, seeing the back round behind him. 

"Actually I am. I've been in here a lot more since you left." he responded. I nodded. 

"Can I see Smokey?" I asked hopefully. He nodded and flipped the camera around to reveal my horse. Smokey brought his head around and nudged the phone. "Hi Smoke!" I cooed. He nudged the phone again before Jo pulled it away. "Hey! I was talking there!" I pouted. 

"I know, I know. But come on, get with the explaining! Where are you! I know Ari and Saydi left to come home..... why didn't you?" He stumbled. I sighed. 

"Well Jo you know how I went to see One Direction?" He nodded. "Yeah know how I had that plan to tweet them about Ari?" He nodded again. "Well........ it kinda worked" I said biting my lip. He nodded again but very slowly. 

"Soooo-" he began.

"I'm with them....... and I'm kinda going on tour with them........" I said quietly. 

"Does that mean your not coming home?" He asked. I saw tears prickling in his eyes. I nodded slowly as if I explained anymore he would shatter. 

"Only for a little bit though! I promise!" I said trying to make it better. 

"Why would you even go with them!" He said getting angry. 

"Jo, please calm down" I said beginning to form tears of my own. 

"Just fucking explain it!" He yelled. I sniffed and looked down just as Harry walked back in the room. 

"Kaia! What's wrong!?" He asked, rushing over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and I layed my head on his shoulder. 

"Is that why your staying?" Jo asked a bit more calm, yet clearly still angry. I nodded slightly. 

"I- I- I- I might be dating him" I stuttered. 

"You dating him! After all I've done for you, you go and date him! Don't come crying to me when he breaks your heart sweety." he said shaking his head furiously. I buried my head in Harry's chest as bigger tears rolled down my cheeks. 

"I would never break her heart!" Harry seethed through his teeth. 

"I'll talk to you later Kaia. Just remember I warned you" Jo said completely ignoring Harry. With that he hung up the skype call and logged off. I heard Harry close my laptop then re-wrap his arm around my waist. He slowly layed back and propped his shoulders up on the head wrest of the bed. I lifted my head up from his chest.

"I don't get it. He's never been like that with my other few boyfriends" I sniffled.

"Look babe. He's a 14 year old boy. How do you think he's going to react when he hears that his best friend isn't going to be with him all summer?" Harry soothed. I sighed and put my head back on Harry's chest. 

"I guess you right" I mumbled into his shirt. 

"I know I am. Now look at me" He said pulling my chin up to his face. I looked him straight in the eyes. "You understand that I will never intentionally break you heart right?" He started. I nodded still looking into his green orbs. "Kaia....... I love you." He continued. My eyes grew wide and I had a knot in the pit of my stomach. I sat there with my jaw dropped, speechless. "We've only know eachother for a week or so, but I feel like I've know you for all my life. I don't care if you don't love me back, I know you will soon.You may only be 14 but I don't care. What you feel is what you feel. But please just inderstand one thing..... I truely love you" He finished. A slight smile grew on my lips and happy tears began to form. He went to talk again but I cut him off. 

"Harry." I said putting my finger to his lips. "I love you too" 


Mwahahaha! Cliffie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lols I'll try to update soon but I need to go back to writing my other stories. If you havn't go and check them out! Ok thanks for reading! Love Yeas <3 xx

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