Chapter 6: I Can Barely Save My Babies

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*Kaia's POV*

I felt my eyes get heavy and I soon fell into a peacefully sleep. I was in the car with Harry on our way back to the hotel. On our way out the fans had somehow spotted Harry as we were running out of the back entrance. I was still on his back and we were both laughing out heads off. The fans must have realized his laugh and found a way towards us. Harry began to run even faster to his car but just as we got there the fans surrounded us. There were a bunch of comments about us like,

"Harry is that your girlfriend!?" and,

"I was sitting near that girl at the concert! She's friends with Liam's cousin!"

Harry gave me a sorrowful look that told me that he had to sign at least a few things and take pictures. I nodded and leaned up against the car as Paul and other security kept them back. 

When Harry was finally done we hopped in the car and Harry grabbed my hand. "I'm sorry that took so long babe" He said as we pulled away. 

"It's fine" I sighed. 

"Can I make it up by taking you out tomorrow?" He asked. "We don't have a concert for the next week  so we can spend all our time together!" He finished. I smiled and pecked his cheek. 

"I would love to Harold" I said. After that there was a conferable silence. I stared out the window and felt my eyes get heavy and soon fell into a peacefull sleep.


*Harry's POV*

I pulled into the hotels parking lot and shut the car off. Looking over at Kaia, she was still asleep. I got out of the car and walked around to her side, opening the door. Picking her up, I was careful not to wake her up. She shifted and snuggled deep into my chest. I sighed and brought her into the hotel room. It was around half ten so the guys should be back soon. I placed Kaia on my bed and tucked her in. I pecked her lips softly and walked out of the room just as the boys came in. "Hey Harry!" they all cheered along with the girls. 

"Shh" I shushed them, "Kaia is asleep you twats!" I esplained. They all nodded as Saydi and Ariyeh exchanged looks. 

"Not for long!" They yelled running towards my room. I tried stopping them but they slammed the door in my face and locked it. I shrugged and sat down next to the boys in the living room thingy. 

"So what's going on between you and Kaia" Louis asked setting his phone down. 

"Well" I smiled all cliche like.

"Lad, don't get all sappy, are you dating her or not?" Niall said as they all fake gagged. 

"Yea, I am" I said shaking my head. "Well now that you guys got that over with, who wants to watch a movie!?" I asked excidedly. They all nodded and we went to decide which one. 

*Kaia's POV*

"KAIA! GET YOUR ASS UP!" I heard Saydi's voice yell. I stirred and threw the pillow over my head. Wait pillow.... Harry must have taken me inside. 

"Kaia, I'll away all of your carrot privileges" Ariyeh taunted. I eyes got wide and I shot up.

"Not my babies, you wouldn't" I stared her down. She nodded her head spun on her heel. She ran out the door towards the fridge.

"Found 'em!" she yelled. I jumped out of bed and ran threw the living room passed the boys, who were looking at us like we had three heads, and into the kitchen. There I found Ariyeh and Saydi dangling the carrots over the garbage disposal. 

"MY BABIES!" I screamed as I dove at them and grabbed the carrot's out of there hands like a ninja. I got up off the floor and scampered out of the kitchen towards Harry. 

"You alright love?" He asked as I sat down on his lap, munching on a carrot.

"They tried to kill my babies" I said, glaring at them as the stumbled out of the kitchen still laughing. "You" I said pointing at them both. I jumped up off of Harry's lap and ran strait towards them. Ariyeh stepped out of the way just as I got there, leaving me to tackle Saydi to the gorund. I began to beat her with the carrot that was in my hand.

"MOMMMMMMMMMY!!!!!!" Saydi screamed.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Ariyeh shrug and pace over to us.

"No" She commanded firmly at both of us. We put our heads down and pouted. "Saydi no more trying to kill Kaia's babies. And Kaia, no more tackling Saydi" she lectured us. 

"Like thats ever going to happen" Saydi and I said in unison. We looked at each other and started laughing our heads off. When we finally calmed down we got up and went to the couch to watch the movie with the boys. I sat down on Harry's lap and he gave me the oddest look. 

"Yes?" I asked. 

"You guys just like..." He trailed off. I knew he was talking about me and Saydi's little fight. 

"Yeah. Well that happens every now and then, it's how we show our love for each other. Oh and don't even ask about the carrot thing" I said not wanting to explain it. 

"Do you like to eat carrots?" Harry asked seductively. I gasped and hit his arm. 

"Harry!" I said repeatedly hitting his arm. 

"Well do you?" he asked obviously wanting an answer. 

"I wouldn't know" I said blushing a little. 

"Sometimes I forget your still 14" he said pecking my lips. "But it's a good thing" he finished in between kisses.  I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder soon enough I fell right back into a light sleep. 

After the movie was over I heard everyone begin to talk, even the girls. "So are you girls going to stay with us for awhile?" I heard Niall ask. 

"I don't know. I mean we would all love to, but we have to talk it over with our parents and each other. Me and Kaia were s'pose to go to London in a week or two" Ariyeh said sighing. 

"Don't worry about London, we live there loves. As soon as the tour is over we can take you guys there" Louis cheered. 

"Why don't you guys just come on tour with us?" Liam proposed. I heard the girls sigh.

"We can't" Ariyeah said sadly. 

"Technaclly we're not even s'pose to be here" Saydi finished. 

"Saydi and I that is, not Kaia" Ariyeh finally explained. I felt Harry relax under neith me. He began to run his hand through my hair. His other hand was placed around my stomach. 

I felt Ariyeh and Saydi get up from next to me and walk out of the room. Soon enough they came back and sat back down. 

"Who'd you call?" Zayn asked. 

"Our parents" Saydi said. 

"We can stay with you for the week then we have to leave. Kaia on the other hand can stay. Her mom never really cared where she goes anyway." Ariyeh explained to them. They kept talking about what to do for the next week until everyone got really tired. They all said goodnight and I felt Harry lift me up. 

I was soon placed on a comfy bed. My eyes fluttered open to reaveal Harry stripping down to his boxers. I bit my lips and watched until he turned around and cought me. "Like what you see?" he chuckled and got under the covers next to me. I bit my lip and didn't reply. "Oh by the way while you were asleep-" I cut him off. I knew he was going to tell me about the whole tour thing. 

"I'm going. I don't care what my mother says" I said pecking his lips. He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

Woh, so Kaia is going on tour with the boys, but the other girls arn't..... Tell me what you think in the comments. Thanks for reading. Love Yeas <3 xx

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