Chapter 4: I Can Barely Get a Girlfriend

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*Ariyeh's POV*

I let out a breath as I finally finished answering all of Liam's questions. Niall the whole time just kinda stayed quiet and listened intently. Liam nodded and let out a breath too. "Well now that we have walked around the whole stadium and some How about we get back to teh hotel." Liam said looking at both of us. We nodded and linked arms skipping down the hallway. Liam chuckled and stayed back behind us. 


We were the first ones back at the hotel. Nialler and I plopped down on the couch as Liam walked passed us. "I'm gonna take a nap, I knackered" Liam said looking back over his shoulder. Niall and I nodded not even looking towards him. 

"So Nialler, you know almost everything about me, what are you like. I've been a Directioner for years and can only hear stuff that tabloids say...... what are you really like?" I asked once Liam was completely gone. 

"Well actually the stuff that the tabloids say about me ar mostly true. There is just a few things that they never really seem to catch when we do interviews..." He trailed off. 

"Like what?" I asked pulling my legs to my chest and leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"They always think I'm ok with food, that I'm the one that doesn't need a girlfriend because I always have food. The thing they don't get is that I use food to fill the empty void...." He trailed off again. I lifted my head and looked into his eyes.

"You'll always have me Nialler" I said pecking his cheek. He smiled and pecked the top of my head then rested his chin on it. 

"I knowt that now" We sat there for awhile in silence until the time came where we both got bored. "You want to got get something to eat?" Niall asked glancing down at me.

"Can we get room sercive and a film?" I asked back. He nodded and picked up the phone. While he was on the phone I ran to Liam's room to tell him what we were doing. "Hey Liam?" I asked opening his door. His head snapped around from the computer surprised. 

"Yeh?" He responded closing the laptop. 

"Me and Nialler are going to watch a film, so don't bug us k?" I said leaning on the door frame. He sighed and shook his head motioning for me to come in more. I did so and plopped on his bed. 

"Ariyeh. Just here me out ok?" He started. I groaned and laid back getting ready for a long speech. "Look Ari, I'm your cousin and I feel responsible for you. I know Nialler is a good guy, he really is but your fourteen and he's 19. I just don't want you falling to hard too fast, I've been in that place before, I don't want it happening to you." He continued. 

"Liam I understand all of that, but I have learned to deal with how fast I fall for a guy, I do it a lot trust me." I said getting up. 

"Just be careful ok love?" He asked following me. I nodded and kept him back a little. 

"Just don't be one of those people who barge in at horrible times ok?" I asked. Liam nodded and went back to his bed and laptop. I sighed happily and skipped out to the living room where I saw Niall wheel in a cart full of all my favorite foods."How did you know that I like all this?" I asked pointing at the food while grabbing a piece of bacon.

"I guess we just have a common food interest" Niall laughed. I smiled and flopped down onto the couch while Niall sat next to me with a jar of cookie dough ice cream. I pointed to my mouth signaling him to give me some. He scooped the biggest spoonful he could and shoved it into my mouth. I sat there with the ice cream half in and half out my mouth. Niall chuckled. "Here lemme get that for you" He said leaning in. Hit bit the ice cream in half so he had a half and I finished the other. He let his lips just graze mine and I felt sparks instantaneously. He pulled back smiling cheekily and swallowed the food. "So what film you wanna watch?" He asked plainly. I shrugged. 

"W-w-whatever you want" I stuttered out. He chuckled and draped his arm around me smiling to himself. 

Yayyy! I updated! Lol ok so deticating this chapter to mandigirlie121 cuz she kind of is being played by Ariyeh. Ok well js gonna go. Tell me what yea think! <3 xx

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