Chapter 3: I Can Barely Kiss

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*Kaia's POV*

After Liam, Niall, and Ariyeh had left It was me, Saydi, Harry, Louis, and Zayn left in the room. Saydi smiled at me deviously and eyed Harry's arm round the back of me. I rolled my eyes and looked away, ignoring her. "Me and Zayn are going to get food anyone else want to come?" Louis asked. Saydi shot up and nodded. 

"ME!" she shouted. Louis and Zayn laughed and began to head out the door with her. 

"Meet you guys back at the hotel?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded viciously and shooed them off. They left the room already laughing and making jokes.

"So that leaves us" Harry whispered in my ear almost seductively.  I giggled and slapped his arms. "No need to be abusive!" He scolded. Just then I realized how close he was to me. I awkwardly slid backwards and away from him shaking my head. "Whats wrong babe?" Harry asked. I shook my head again.

"Look Haz, I know everything I hear about you being a player and all probably isn't true but still. My heart has been broken before and I'm not going to let it happen again by some pop star. Plus I don't know if you realized but I'm 14 and your 19." (This is next summer so pretend he's 19). Harry looked at me sadly and put his giant hand on my tiny one. 

"Kaia, I don't know what it is about you, but honestly I think your different then all the other girls. I don't care if your 14. If your a directioner you must know that I don't give a shit about age. Please you have to believe me. I don't care if we just met today, there is something extremely different about you." He finished. I slightly nodded me head realizing that he was getting closer and closer. I froze and didn't know what to do. His eyes closed and his lips pouted. He lingered his lips over mine for a second then pressed them against mine. My lips began to move in sink with his but just as quick as it started, it ended. He pulled back and bit his lip looking at me worriedly. I sighed and leaned into his chest and wrapping my hands around his waist. I felt him let out a breath and hug me back. "Not to ruin the moment or anything babe, but I'm gonna hit the loo, then we can head back to the hotel yeah?" He asked. I nodded and shooed him off. He pecked the top of my head then walked out shutting the door behind him. When I knew he was a safe distance away I squeeled in joy than picked up my phone to text the girls. 

To: Saydi, and Ariyeh:


They both texted back immediately. 

From: Ariyeh:

Omg with Harry!?

From: Saydi:


To Saydi, and Ariyeh:

Fuck yea babez! I'll see you guys back at the hotel <3 xx

I smiled and clicked out of messages and went to Twitter. I clicked on compose a new tweet and began to type. 

My first kiss went a little like this........ Life is compleat<3 xx

I sent the tweet then saw I had five new followers. I hesitated but clicked and saw that literally all the boys had followed me. I squeeled some more just as Harry popped in the door. I blushed and calmed myself back down. "Excited about something are we?" He asked sitting down next to me. I nodded a little blushing a brighter red. "And that would be?" He asked again just as his phone buzzed. He shrugged and checked it as his smile got brighter. I gave him a questioning look and he flipped his phone to me. It was my tweet. I bit my lips nervously, he wasn't ment to see that but i guess he was bound to if he's following me. "So I was your first kiss?" He asked cheekily. I bit my lips again and nodded. "Well lets make me your second one too" he said leaning in and pecking my lips. Pulling back he smiled and yanked me off the couch. "Lets head back to the hotel yeah?" he asked. I nodded but didn't move. "What's up?" he said giving me a confused look.

"Harry you've kissed me twice......." I bit my lip, "Where does this leave us?" I finished. He sighed and nodded.

"I've known you for barley a day and it might seem like we're moving kinda fast but I feel like I've know you my intire life and well, Kaia will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked. 

"Of corse I will Hazza! I've know you for three years, I am a Directioner after all" I smiled and pecked his lips. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his long arms around the small of my back almost twice. Pulling back he looked into my eyes.

"Now how abuot we really get back the hotel?" He asked for the third time. I giggled and nodded. 

"Not before you give me a piggy back ride" I demanded. He grinned and nodded. bending down. I jumped onto his back and smacked his butt. "GO pony go!" I yelled he shook his head chuckling. 

"Fistey, I like it" He said walking out the door. 

OMG Do you guys like it!? I love it<3 Harry and Kaia are together after a day? Say what! Lol ok well the next two chapters might be kinda short cuz their just side chapies so just saying. Thanks for reading! Love Yeas <3 xx

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