Chapter 10: I Can Barely Keep in Touch

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*Ariyeh's POV*

My eyes fluttered open to see Saydi dead asleep next to me. "Saydi get your ass up!" I yelled in her ear and pushed her off the bed to get her up. 

"I'M UP!" She yelled scrambling off the floor and death glaring me. I smiled innocently and skipped off to the kitchen to make some tea. Saydi dragged in seconds later with her hair all messed up and junk.

"Jeez, you look like death, what time did you get home last night?" I asked handing her a cup of tea. 

"I don't know. All I remember is Aren dropping me off and me walking inside then falling onto the bed." She explained. 

"Ohhhh what happened with you and Aren?" I asked just as my mum walked in the room. 

"I'll tell you later" She whispered in my ear and walked back to the bedroom. I nodded and said good morning to my mum. 

"Have you talked to Kaia or the boys recently?" Mum asked making herself coffee. I shook my head. 

"Actually no." I said surprising myself. 

"You should. I saw her and and three other girls on the cover of a magazine the other day." She said nonchalantly. My eyes shot open and I ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders shaking her. 

"MUM, TELL ME RIGHT NOW... WHERE THE FUCK IS THAT MAGAZINE!" I screamed in her face. She took my hands off her shoulders and pushed my head back a little. 

"In the living room, calm your tits" She said scooting me off in that direction. I ran into the living room and found the stack of magazines. I scanned through them throughing them every which way until I found it. I screamed bloody murder and ran into my room. 

"SAYDI!" I yelled at her. Her head shot up from her computer and stared at me confused. 

"WHAT!?" She mimicked back. 

"Look!" I said chucking it at her. She fumbled around but then caught it. 

"Holy shit" was all she said. "We should call her..... like now" She said again grabbing a phone. I grabbed it from her and quickly dialed Kaia's number. 







"Hello?" Asked a sleepy british voice. 

"Harry?" both me and Saydi said. 

"Yea what wrong girls?" he asked yawning. 

*Harry's POV*

I woke up to the ringing of a phone. Opening my eyes slightly I saw it was Kaia's. Groaning I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked groggily 

"Harry?" I heard Ariyeh and Saydi ask. 

"Yea what's wrong girls?" I yawned and scratched my head sitting up. 

"Where's Kaia........... We need to talk to her like now" They said. 

"Um, hang on......... but whats the big deal, it's 9 o'clock in the morning." I asked. 

"Well yea see-" Saydi started. 


"Wait what?" I questioned. 

"You heard her loud and clear." Saydi said. 

"Hang on....... KAIA GET YOUR ASS IN HERE" I screamed covering the phone speaker. Seconds later the door whipped open to Kaia looking at me like I was a nut. 

"What?" she asked strutting over to me. I put my finger up and put her phone on speaker holding it up to her. "Hello?" she asked confused. 

"Kaia..... I'll ask it one more time. Why the hell is your picture with Dani, El , and Perrie on the cover of a magizine?" Ari asked. 

"I'm in a magazine!" Kaia squeeled. I chuckled and nodded letting them finish there conversation. 

"Yea.... now was this very well photo shoped or did you meet the girls without us?" Saydi asked. 

"They surprised me, I didn't even know they were coming!" she pouted. 

 "Alright, ok.... that works for now." Ari said. 

"Yayyy! I'm not hated! I would say you could come and meet them but I think we're leaving for.....Harry where are we leaving for tomorrow?" Kaia asked me. 

"Uhhhh........... Canada" I said having to think about it. 

"Kaia, did he say Canada?" Saydi asked. I could tell she was on the edge of her seat. 

"OMG Saydi he did......." Kaia half squeeled. 

"Kaia....... you get to meet C.J........" Ariyeh said faintly. 

Heyyy my baby ducks! So who's C.J? Do I even know who he is? Jkjk I do. Sooooooooo who's heard the news???????? HAYLORS OVER! Thats right I said it. Take a step back for a second and breath. Do you smell that, it's the smell of purity and happyness. Not that I ever hated Taylor or anything, I still don't, but I just didn't support it. So how do I know right? Ok well long story short Taylor had an interview with Perez Hilton and she was like "Yea, we are never evergetting back together". Saw that one coming didn't yea!? Yea so I'm just gonna sit here and injoy likfe and wait for another one of her songs to come out thats titled 'I went in the Wrong Direction'. That will be the day that I'm gonna get kinda mad at her. I mean come on, she's obvi gonna write about it. Ok well go do your own reasearch on Tay-tay and Hazzabear. Thanks for reading love yeas <3 xx

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