☕︎︎ \\ Not Now, But Soon

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genre? \\ light angst!
summary? \\ You may not love him back, but that doesn't mean he'll stop loving you.
word count? \\ 965
requested? \\ yes!
a/n? \\ This is part 1 of a two part fic! Part 2 is the one posted right after this one! (Like I said [told you so])
The day started just like any other, you walked into class and you saw your friends all chatting amongst themselves. You set your stuff on your desk and moved over to where the girls were talking and joined the conversation. "Hey Y/n, have you talked to Bakugo yet today?" Mina asked.

"No, I don't think so. Why? Is something wrong?" you answered, slightly confused.

She gave you a knowing smile, "No, no! Everything's fine, I'm sure you'll see soon enough."

You were completely confused at that point, "What do you mean?" The other girls were caught up in their own conversations, so they didn't notice what the two of you were saying, however, everyone noticed what happened next.

Before Mina could answer your question, the door slammed open. At first, no one paid any attention to it, since that was how Katsuki entered the room most of the time. Though, this time, things were different. Instead of engaging in conversation with his friends, or sitting at his desk waiting for Mr. Aizawa, he moved over to talk to you.

"L/n," he called out to you. You turned around to face him, but not before sending Mina a wary glance.

"Yeah? What's up Bakugo?" The two of you were friends, but you weren't as close to him as, say Sero or Ashido were, so for him to randomly start talking to you was fairly usual.

He looked at you, and you could tell by the expression on his face that he was seriously hesitating and contemplating whether he should continue. You didn't have to look around to know that everyone's eyes were on the two of you. You were just barely able to make out Kirishima's voice urging him on before he looked at you in the eyes and said, "Go out with me."

Your heart started racing, but not because you liked him. On the contrary, you never really thought about Katsuki in a romantic way but you just couldn't bring yourself to publicly turn him down and humiliate him. So, you did the first and only thing that came to your mind. You pulled him in for a hug and whispered into his ear, "I'm sorry Bakugo, I don't feel that way about you."

You pulled away, and his expression was one of a kicked puppy. He was looking down at the ground without saying anything. You could hear your classmates whispering to each other about what they'd thought you said.

"Did she reject him?"

"No way, she gave him a hug!"

"But he looks so upset, it's so out of character for him."

"I'm sorry Bakugo," you said softly. You hadn't meant to hurt him, but it would be wrong to lead him on and enter into a relationship that you didn't fully want as well.

"Whatever," he mumbled, "I'll make you fall in love with me, just wait and see."

You weren't sure how to respond, and before you could think of anything, Mr. Aizawa came through the door and had you all take your seats. You couldn't focus on class, however, as your mind was too busy thinking about what Bakugo was going to do.

Well, he stuck to his word and did his best to make you swoon. He stopped calling you by mean nicknames all together, and overall acted like a decent person with you. Though, when it was clear that wasn't enough, he upped his game.

He would randomly stop by your dorm to give you flowers, or call you beautiful whenever he got the chance. His friends all teased him, saying his love for you was changing him. But, he didn't care. Sure, he'd always throw snarky comebacks at them, but in the end, their words of mockery didn't matter to him as much as the three words he was hoping to hear from you.

Time after time, he'd would show you a new form of affection, yet each and every attempt failed as you turned him down. Katsuki was willing to wait though. To him, it didn't matter how long it took, as you long as you fell in love with him eventually.

Valentine's Day was approaching soon, as it was only three days away, and Katsuki was planning on giving you chocolates in front of the entire class. Up to that point, he'd kept his attempts rather private, but he wanted everyone to know how he still loved you.

In the days leading up, Katsuki asked Ashido all sorts of questions about what to get you and what your favorite chocolates were. His friends all admired the fact that he was still trying for you, even if they made a little fun of him. The truth was, they just wanted him to be happy, and they knew the only way for that was for him to be with you. Which is why they were hoping you would finally accept and return his feelings.

When Valentine's Day finally arrived, Katsuki marched into the class with the box of chocolates clutched tightly in his hands. "L/n," he called out your name.

You paused your conversation with Uraraka to look at him, "Oh, hi Bakugo," you greeted him happily.

He held out the box of chocolates to you, "Here," he said gruffly.

You accepted the chocolates since you were sure it wasn't easy for him to give them to you publicly. "Thank you Bakugo," you said. You moved closer to him, "But, I still see you as a friend," you said gently.

You really didn't want to hurt him, but he wouldn't give up. You looked him in the eyes and saw he was giving you a toothy grin. "Doesn't matter," he replied, "I'll make you fall in love with me one day. Maybe not now, but soon."

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