☕︎\\ Children (pt. 3)

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requested: yes
genre: Fluff
summary: Getting married is great and all, but Katsuki wants a bit more.
word count: 910
     "Bakugo, get out!" Mina shouted as she threw her shoe at the door. "It's bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the wedding!"

You were getting ready for your wedding, which would be starting in two hours. Your maid of honor, Mina, was doing your makeup when Katsuki tried entering the room to talk to you.

"That's a load of bull! I just wanna see how she's doing," he yelled from the other side of your bedroom door.

He'd proposed to you seven months ago, and the day of your wedding had finally arrived. You could still remember every detail of the day he finally popped the question, and just thinking of it would be enough to bring tears to your eyes. He'd taken you out to a festival one night, and paid to have 'Will You Marry Me?' spelled out with fireworks as he got down on his knee.

It was the most romantic thing he'd ever done for you, and it immediately sent you into tears. You were so shocked, that you fell down onto your knees and clutched onto his shirt as you sobbed the word 'yes' over and over again into his shoulder.

"She's doing fine, now go!" Mina shouted as you giggled from the sidelines.

"Sorry about him, I'll handle things. We'll see you two at the wedding," you heard Kirishima say with a sigh. The next thing you heard was quiet arguing that eventually disappeared.

Mina turned back to you and picked up a mirror off of your dresser and handed it to you, "What do you think?"

You looked at your reflection and put a hand over your mouth, "Oh Mina, it's beautiful, thank you!"

"I'm glad you like it," she smiled, "Now how do you want to style your hair?"


You held Katsuki's hands in your own. "You may now kiss the bride." He caught your lips with his, and you could feel the same sparks you felt when you kissed him for the first time. Yeah, marrying him was definitely the right choice.

As he pulled away, a conversation you'd had with Izuku earlier popped into your head.


You were still in the hotel where everyone was helping you and Katsuki get ready for the wedding. Mina had left the room to ask Kirishima about how the groom was doing, and you were putting on your shoes when you heard a knock come from the door.

"Oh, come in Mina! I'm just putting on my shoes," you said.

The door creaked open, "Oh, um, actually it's me, Izuku," you heard a voice say. Your head shot up, and you saw him standing by the door. "I can leave if now is a bad time," he said.

You shook your head, "No, now is fine. Is everything alright?"

Your ties with Izuku never really fully healed after the breakup, but that didn't mean you weren't still friends. When he heard about you getting engaged, he was genuinely happy for you. Just as how you weren't bitter when you saw him get married.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just wanted to congratulate you on your big day, is all," he mumbled sheepishly while taking a seat on a chair near you.

"Oh, alright. Thanks," you responded. The two of you sat in awkward silence for several minutes until Izuku finally decided to speak up.

"Y/n...we're alright, right?"

"What do you mean?" Sure, things between you and Izuku were tense for a while, but you eventually warmed up to each other again. You just weren't as close as you were before you started dating.

"I don't know, I just..." he trailed off.

"Izuku, I don't have any resentment for you. We weren't meant for each other, and there's nothing wrong with that! We're both happy now, so there's no point in acting like children. We're long overdue in finally moving on and putting the past behind us," you said.

He looked at you and smiled, "Yeah, I guess you're right," he stood up and began to leave, "I'll let Kacchan know you're doing alright."

"Thanks, Midoriya."


That conversation was the last bit of closure you didn't even know you needed. As the reception began, Katsuki took your hand and led you to the ice cream sundae bar, where the two of you began making sweet sundaes for each other.

Once the two of you had your ice creams, you found a place in the shade to sit, since your wedding venue was outside. You didn't notice Katsuki watching you as you ate your ice cream, though you did finally turn to look at him when you heard him cursing under his breath. You were finished with your ice cream when you looked at him to ask what was wrong.

"My ice cream freaking melted," he said.

You laughed, "Well you could still drink it out of the cup."

"Nevermind, forget it," he replied as he took your small bowl and the remains of his ice cream and threw them away. He reclaimed his seat next to you and looked you in the eyes. He put a hand on your cheek and leaned in to give you a gentle kiss. "So, we're finally married, huh?"

You smiled, "Yeah, I guess we are."

"Something's still missing," he muttered.

"Hm? What do you mean?"

He looked you in the eyes, and his next words took your breath away, "I wanna have children."

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