- When You're Crying

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requested: no
genre: Fluff
summary: just Headcanons of when you're crying!
a/n: These aren't necessarily one-shots, but I thought I'd add them!
- You're upset?

- Why? Who hurt you?

- He's not gonna lie to you, and say he just wants to talk, he'll make it very obvious he's about to punch some sense into whoever made you sad.

- He won't hesitate to throw hands if the cause of your sadness is a person

- He doesn't care if he gets in trouble for it, he'll make sure everyone knows not to mess with you

- He might sound like he's annoyed, but you know he loves you and is genuinely concerned

- If your family is the cause of your tears, he'll check up on you constantly to make sure everything's calm

- The second you mention something possibly going wrong, he'll be on his way to take you out

- Katsuki is great at cooking, we all know it. If he sees you upset, he will cook anything and everything to lighten your mood

- He'll do his best to stay calm and keep his voice at a quiet or at least normal volume, but it's just so hard for him not to get angry when he finds out something upset you

- If you don't really have a reason for crying that day, that's cool too

- He'll find some sort of game to play with you, or he'll hold you close

- "Let me see your pretty smile, princess."

- Whatever you want is whatever you get, so long as you're cheering up!

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