- Support Course

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requested: no
genre: Fluff
summary: just Headcanons of if you were in the support course!

- When the two of you first meet, it'll be when he heads into the workshop with Kirishima to pick up part of his costume that needed repairs earlier

- He'll be talking in his usual loud voice when you chime in and say something

- "Could you be talking any louder? Some of us are actually trying to work, you know."

- He'll be taken off guard and will actually quiet down for you

- "Tch, whatever."

- The fact that he actually did it without any sort of rude comment will surprise himself just as much as it surprised Kirishima

- For Katsuki, it's mainly the fact that you weren't intimidated by him, that causes him to be thinking about you so often

- He can't seem to get you off his mind, and he hates it

- After a week or so, he decides that seeing you will remind him of how you're just another extra, and he'll be able to forget about you

- Boy was he wrong

- He walked into the workshop, expecting you to be scared and get hurt by the way he talks, like everyone else

- But

- You didn't???

- This time, you didn't even comment on his obnoxiously loud voice, or his threats

- You just acted like he was another typical student in the Hero course

- In a way, it pissed him off

- But, like, it also made him want to talk to you again

- Before he knew it, he found himself being drawn back into the support course's workshop everyday

- Most days, he wasn't even there to get his costume repaired

- He just wanted to talk to you, and the fact that he didn't know why made him even angrier

- Once the BakuSquad found out, he was constantly teased

- "Oooh, looks like Bakugo's got a girlfriend!"

- "Shut up dunce face, she's not my girlfriend!"

- "Come on Bakubro, there's nothing wrong with admitting you have a crush on her!"

- "I'll blow you to pieces if you don't shut up right now Kirishima!"

- Deciding enough was enough, he asked out

- He figured, making you his girlfriend would be less distracting than always worrying about someone stealing you away from him

- "Oi, wanna go get lunch together or something tomorrow?"

- "Bakugo Katsuki, are you asking me out?"

- "What? No! Maybe... yes, I am, ok! Do you wanna go, or not?"

- "Sure, sounds fun."

- "Great." He handed you a paper with his number on it before leaving the room

- You sighed to yourself, what had you gotten yourself into?

boom!// katsuki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now