☕︎\\ Marry Me Instead

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• requested: yes
genre: fluff
summary: He healed your heart, then stole it.
word count: 1,050
It'd been just over a month since you'd broken up with Izuku, and you were beginning to get over him. For the first time in forever, you didn't feel like someone was stabbing you when you saw him holding hands with Uraraka. Over the past month, you'd also grown extremely close with Katsuki. After you called him to tell him about your breakup, he took you to the park and listened to you rant for nearly an hour.

It was very out of character for him. But, he was doing his best to try and win you over. Sure, he let a few mean remarks slip into your conversation, but you knew he didn't really mean anything by them. In fact, you and Katsuki had grown so close that your friends all assumed you were already dating.

"So, is Bakugo a good kisser?"


"You two are dating, aren't you? Don't tell me you haven't kissed yet!"

"Mina, we're not dating. We're just friends."

"For now.."

"I don't know if things would ever work out between us."

"Have a little faith, would you? I know he's a total jerk, but I feel like he'd try to make things work if it were for you!"



You'd be lying if you said you weren't developing feelings for the blonde-haired boy, but your last relationship had left you scared. It left you scared that Katsuki would think you weren't good enough. That he'd fall in love with someone else. That he'd fall out of love with you. You were scared that he'd leave you, just like Izuku did.

With those thoughts in mind, you pushed all your feelings for him to the back of your head every time they popped up. 'Besides,' you thought to yourself, 'He'd never fall for someone like me.'

You couldn't have been more wrong.


You laid in your bed and stared at the ceiling as you let your mind wander off. Class A had done a team training simulation during class, and you'd been unlucky enough to get paired up with Todoroki, Uraraka, and Izuku. Everything had gone by fairly normal, as they were focused on the task at hand, still, you couldn't help but feel a twinge in your gut when you saw the way he looked at her. You were sure he'd never looked at you like that.

Class went by, but you couldn't focus on anything for the rest of the day. Eventually, when school let everyone out, you opted to head to your dorm and spend the rest of your day alone. Katsuki wanted to reach out to you and ask you what was wrong, but he decided to let you come to him instead. You entered your dorm and closed your door. You slid down to the ground as hot tears streamed down your face, the same pain you'd felt the day of the breakup was hitting you all over again.

After countless hours of feeling bad for yourself, you decided to try to get some sleep, though that wasn't working out for you. You picked up your phone off of your bedside table, it was almost two in the morning. It was Friday, so at least you wouldn't have to worry about school in the morning. You slid out from under your covers and walked over to your door. You glanced over to your closet, contemplating whether or not you should change out of your pajamas. Eventually, you decided it didn't matter, since no one would be awake so late at night.

You quietly opened your door and began to tiptoe out of the dormitory. You left the building, unaware of a certain crimson-eyed boy who was following you. Katsuki had woken up thirty minutes before you sneaked out of your room and had gone down to the common room to grab a glass of water. He wasn't surprised to catch you leaving the dorms since you typically liked to sit on the roof when you were upset and it was clear that you were having a bad day.

He silently went after you, and only made his presence known after you'd sat down on the roof. "Couldn't sleep?" he asked.

You nearly jumped out of your skin. "Katsuki?! What are you doing here? Isn't it past your bedtime?"

"Shut up," he grumbled as he moved to sit next to you. "What's bothering you pipsqueak?"

"Nothing," you lied, and he saw right through it.

He snorted, "Yeah, right. It's Deku, isn't it?"

You stayed silent.

"Thought so," his tone was laced with disappointment. "You're gonna have to get over him sooner or later."

Your walls began to break down all over again as you choked back a sob, "I know. It's hard Katsuki."

"I know."

He sat there and listened as you poured your heart out to him. He didn't know how long had passed, and he didn't care. All that mattered to him at that moment was you.

"I thought we were going to get married," you cried.

He placed a hand on your cheek and wiped away your tears with his thumb, "Marry me instead."

A light pink dusted your cheeks, "W-what?"

"Instead of marrying that damn Deku, when we're older, marry me," he said in a calm and smooth voice.

"I didn't know you felt that way about me," you said as your (e/c) eyes stared at his crimson eyes.

He pulled his hand away, "Let me guess, you don't feel the same?"

"I never said that." The two of you began leaning in closer to each other without realizing it. "Marry you instead, huh?" Your lips were only centimeters away, "That doesn't sound like a bad idea."

He pushed his lips against yours, and for once, everything just felt right. You tilted your head as you deepened the kiss, and slowly slid a hand around his neck. He placed his hand back onto your cheek, as the other rested on your waist. You raked your hands through his hair and smiled against his lips. You couldn't remember the last time you'd felt this happy.

Eventually, you both had to pull away to catch your breath. You looked at him, with a new light shining in your eyes, "Yeah, that doesn't sound bad at all."

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