Chapter 14 - Greenthenor Secrets

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Sage was nervous; Taro knew his secret.

He waited until he had calmed down, then shaved, and brushed his teeth, and sorted out the frizziness in his curls after a night of tossing and turning. Then, he rang for his Valet.

Taro came quickly, looking sharper than he had before. His suit was clean and ironed. His hair was brushed out of his eyes. He wore the biggest grin Sage had seen, a cheeky grin, one that promised mischief.

"Sleep well?" Sage asked, watching Taro stride to his cupboards and rummage around.

"Very. You?"

"Better than yesterday."


Taro continued to grin, and Sage eventually caved in and asked, "Is something amusing?"

"Do I need a reason to be amused?"

"Usually," Sage said, eyeing the many jumpers Taro was throwing on the floor. "I hope you're cleaning that up afterwards." Sage felt the eyeroll like Taro had flicked him in the middle of his eyes. "What are you doing?"

"I'm being a better Valet. Are you dressing smart or casual today?"

"Smart. I have other engagements."

"How long are you in mourning for?"

"A few more days." Sage was sick of wearing black, but at least he looked like he had respect for Uncle Patrick.

Taro handed him his underwear and Sage slipped behind his changing wall, returning to get black trousers thrown into his chest. Sage put them on and was immediately handed a black belt. As he was threading it through his trouser loops, Taro yanked a black t-shirt over his head.

Sage quickly grabbed Taro's wrists. "Be careful," he scolded with his head through the neck hole. "You just have to look at my hair and it gets frizzy."

"Oh." Taro tried to move his hands and Sage quickly let go, doing his best not to be awkward while Taro fixed the few curls he had ruptured. "I should have ironed this t-shirt."

"It's fine. We should really decide outfits the night before, so you can get them ready in time."

Taro nodded and held a black blazer open. Once on, he brushed down the shoulders and Sage looked at himself in the mirror. Taro looked at him too. His green eyes travelled up and down the Prince rather freely.

Sage really wanted to say something about his wandering eyes. His words clung to the end of his tongue.

"So, repeat after me, I look really hot in blazers too," Taro said.


"Alright then, I'll say it for you, you look-" A knock on the door sent the boys rushing apart. Taro quickly scooped up Sage's pyjamas as Oxley poked his head into the room.

"Ah, you're alive!" Oxley beamed at his brother.

Sage tugged anxiously on his blazer. "I feel better today."

"Good. Mum was worried. Now let's go, there's a discussion about your safety outside and inside the Palace soon. Mum wants to talk about Patrick."

Sage fastened his blazer and left Taro to put his jumpers back in the drawers. He stormed the halls with his brother who tried to keep up with him. Sage didn't stop until he approached the dining room doors. Two guards straighter their posture and a servant opened the door. Upon entering the room, Sage paused so abruptly that Oxley walked into his back.

The Prince stared at his mother who wore a green velvet dress. "We're still in mourning," he blurted, eyeing his father who also wore different colours.

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