Chapter 65 - Royal Probity

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Taro didn't like the way Oxley stared at their intertwined hands. His glances were short and disapproving, but Sage only saw his support because he hadn't verbally been told that Oxley didn't agree with their relationship. He doesn't like me, that's obvious. But I don't like him either, and I hope that's just as obvious.

When they left the room, Sage's grip tightened to where Taro felt a heartbeat in all his fingers. He was nervous too, more nervous than what he let Sage believe. The corridors were long and quiet. Their footsteps echoed too loudly as he thought of something to say that would make Sage loosen his grip.

"Who will hate me more, your mum or your dad?" he asked which only made Sage gulp and pull their hands apart, so he could fidget with his jumper sleeve. Nice one Taro, just keep your mouth shut.

"Definitely our mother," Oxley answered, walking in front with hands in his pockets.

Taro stared blankly at the back of his head, wishing he wasn't with them. Oxley had only cared about the fact that Sage could abdicate, and he would be forced to be King instead. He didn't care if Sage was struggling or upset, he cared only about himself. Taro knew that Sage didn't see it the same, and he wasn't about to ruin their brotherly bond by voicing his opinions, at least, not yet. "Well, I'll make sure to be extra nice to her then," he mumbled.

Haliver's office came into view too quickly, and Sage slowed to a halt. "Maybe we should do this tomorrow," he said, turning to face Taro with scared round eyes.

"If you're really not ready-"

"Come on Sage, you need to show them that they can't push you aside," Oxley interrupted.

Taro tensed his jaw. "It's okay if you're not ready, but will you ever be ready to face them in this situation? Will waiting till tomorrow just worsen your nerves?"

Sage's hazel eyes dropped to the floor. He nodded and regained his composure. "I can't keep running. You're right, I just- I need a moment. Oxley, can you make sure they're actually in dad's office?"

Oxley hurried down the corridor. Sage faced the window, and the sun made his dark skin smooth, and his hazel eyes golden, beautiful, and sad. Taro tugged at a black curl and watched it bounce back into shape. "You don't owe anyone an explanation, remember that," he said softly.

Sage smiled, and Taro's heart melted. They held hands again when Oxley reappeared in the hallways and motioned for them to come with him. Taro placed his own nerves to one side. He had to be there for Sage, and he had to be strong. Do not say anything stupid, he willed. Don't embarrass him.

His heart drummed twice as fast as they approached the door. Sage's hand was hot, and a little sweaty. "Don't hold your breath," he whispered, not wanting to deal with him fainting.

Sage brushed down his jumper and stood up straighter with a confident stare. Taro was fascinated and troubled by how quickly he could bury his emotions. Sage pushed the door open, and they entered his father's office.

Haliver mulled by the window with rigid arms crossed over his firm chest. His piercing blue eyes landed on him immediately, and his brows pushed hard into them. Marigold sat behind the desk with one leg crossed over the other and her hands linked over her knee. Her dark eyes fell on him too, though her face of stone was unmoving.

Haliver's eyes dropped to their hands, and he pursed his lips as if he was keeping in words that nobody wanted to hear.

"Hi," Sage said quietly and awkwardly sat on the couch opposite the desk.

Taro sat next to him, making sure their legs and arms touched. Sage didn't shuffle away which was a good start. "Also hi," he said and the Queens neck tightened.

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