Chapter 37 - Gold Over Gaiety

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For those who were concerned about my absence, you should join my discord server because I'm on there pretty much every day, and you'd know that I'm alright, just very busy :') There's a link on my profile!

- Sian

Taro's eyes avoided Sage's face until his thoughts caved. "It's better if you don't know because the reason might freak you out a bit. If you really want to know why you needed extra protection last night, I can tell you, but it might not be in your best interests."

Sage didn't like the sound of that. The thought of his safety being compromised was enough to make him want to crawl back into bed and never leave his room. "I want to know."

"Well, I told you that I fell off the bedside table. I didn't, I was pushed from it."

"What!" Sage gasped with widening eyes.

"Yeah, I felt it. And my vines weren't crushed by my pot, someone stamped on me."

Sage leaned against the desk when his knees weakened. His hand lifted to his chest, and his mouth gaped open. "Why would someone do that?" he whispered. "Why the hell would someone come into my room? I'm locking the door when I sleep from now on. I need to tell my father that-"

"That what?" Taro interrupted. "Your houseplant is complaining that someone is out to kill him? We have to tread lightly around this while I figure out who knows about me. In the meantime-" Taro fished out golden gloves from his pocket and wore them to hide his green nails. "I'm going to be careful."

Taro stormed to the door and Sage hurried after him to grab his arm. "Taro, someone tried to hurt you. How can you be this relaxed?"

"It's not the first time, and it won't be the last. It's dangerous to be my kind. Just let me worry about it, okay?"

This is madness. Sage was reluctant but nodded. He kept his hand on Taro's arm. "Just please be careful. We'll keep the guard at the door at night, and I'll stay with you when you're sleeping through the day in your plant form."

Taro smiled and stepped closer. "I will be careful, I promise. And thank you for looking out for me." His eyes flicked to his lips.

"It would be pretty tragic for anything to happen to you now while we're..." Sage's voice trailed away.

"While we're what?"

"Testing the waters."

"Right, and how are these waters?" Taro asked, stepping even closer. His hands dropped to Sage's waist.

"Open water scares me." Sage was very aware of how his brother Oxley could burst through the door at any moment. The risk excited him, and terrified him, and surprised him. Sage was slowly caring less about keeping his secret at all costs. Each morning, when Taro smiled at him, his hope burned a little brighter.

"It scares me too," Taro admitted. "But comfort zones are boring."

Why does he always have a good point? This is a chance worth taking, Sage. "Forgive me, but I'll have to remind myself of that at least three times a day."

"You're born into ancient traditions, I don't blame you for finding this scary, but isn't it also exciting?"

Sage gulped. "Only a bit," he admitted.

"You royals hate change... I hope to change that."

"Good luck," Sage scoffed. He was a creature of habit; it was drilled into him like how the crown would one day be drilled to his soul.

"I don't need luck." Taro stepped even closer. Their chests touched, and his hands grabbed Sage's waist. "Not with this jawline."

Sage couldn't deny that Taro's confidence was attractive. He not only admired it, but he wished to be like that and often thought about making more of an effort to be kinder to himself. "Someone could walk in."

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