Chapter 33 - Tension

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Sage slowly lowered his head to stare at the hand that caressed his hip. His body tingled; his breath lost rhythm. I'm anything but strong right now. Sage was so weakened by Taro's touch that he couldn't move. Taro's pupils were large and staring passionately. Sage absentmindedly licked his lips and Taro's gaze dropped to his mouth.

Sage's heart flipped when Taro stepped closer. "If you could get through a lunch like that without wavering your perfect smile, you can get through anything." Taro's voice was a deep whisper. There was no need to speak louder when their noses were an inch apart. "I could see it in your eyes that you didn't want to be there." Taro's hand curved against his side. His other hand lightly touched above his bellybutton with the tips of his fingers. "Anyone else would think you had a great time. But I know you just wanted to be in the garden, in the fresh air, watering the roses, rooting the autumn range. You crave simpler things because why else would you give in to such a simple touch?"

By now, Taro had moved his mouth to Sage's ear. His breath was warm. Oh god, I have given in. Sage wanted nothing more than to collapse into Taro's arms, just to be held, to be noticed, to be another man's centre of attention. "How- how do you see all that?" Sage was a little breathless.

"You showed me because you trust me." Taro pulled his face back to look into his eyes. "You're vulnerable, therefor you're true."

Sage circled his face, trying not to stare too long at his lips, but he couldn't help it. Taro licked his bottom one, and it glossed against the dancing fire behind them. His mind was screaming. What if someone walked in? What if someone could see us despite the curtains being drawn? What if Taro is just having fun? What if I get hurt? What if he kissed me? What if I enjoyed it? What if we ended up being more than friends? How would I hide that? Would I want to hide it?

Taro leaned closer and Sage didn't lean back. Their mouths were inches apart, then centimetres, then the tips of their noses touched, and Sage thought their lips would touch at any moment, and he didn't move, he couldn't.

Then Taro's direction diverted, and his mouth fell on Sage's temple instead, a much more modest place, but a kiss, nonetheless.

Sage's eyes temporarily closed as Taro's lips pressured the side of his head. Sage's hands lifted to grip Taro's elbows. He leaned into him, and for a moment, he was free.

Was it a glimpse into his future? Or a moment he had longed for ever since he knew that he liked men? Something changed within him, something stopped weighing on his heart.

Taro wasn't smirking when he pulled back. He didn't look smug, nor amused. Sage would almost say he was stunned, or dazed, or both. Taro cleared his throat, removed his hands from Sage's waist, and buttoned up the rest of his shirt.

"Would you like a warm drink before bed?" he asked, scooping Sage's clothes from the floor and putting them in the basket by the door. He then tended to the fire and put an extra towel in the bathroom.

"No thank you," Sage said, awkwardly tapping the ends of his fingers together. "I'll just go to bed."

"Me too."

Sage watching him storm to the light and switch it off. He heard Taro going to the bedside table and the wood creaking under his weight.

"Night then."

"Night-" Sage covered his eyes when the green glow of Taro's transformation engulfed the room.

Not wanting to stand in the middle of his room all night, he got into bed and slid under the covers. How odd, he thought. Maybe he regrets it. Maybe he suddenly realised how it can't possibly happen between us. That thought made Sage feel cold. If he does regret it, then it's for the best. I shouldn't have let it happen.

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