Chapter 71 - Desolation

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"Let's talk about this later. Right now, I have a room full of very important guests," Dalia said after the room settled into a very awkward silence. "I wanted you all here together, so you could get to know one another. I understand that Taro's parents are quite confused about the prophecy. And because this concerns your son, we will make sure you're told everything. But right now, lets celebrate that you're meeting because my grandson has found someone he truly likes."

Sage blushed when everyone looked at him. When his eyes met with Taro, he noticed his pale cheeks were a little pink too.

"Honestly, their relationship was a surprise," Jesse admitted. "I thought Sage was such a sweet lad and really kind. And Taro is not quite the opposite, but . . . " She paused and Taro raised a brow.

"Go on," he said.

"Well, you're just-"

"A little blunt," Nyerian interrupted, peering around Jesse with a grin.

Sage tried to conceal a smile, especially when Taro observed his reaction. "He can be kind," Sage offered. Taro rolled his jaw to keep down a smirk. "I was also surprised," he said to Jesse. "We didn't get on when we first met."

"I can imagine he had a lot of unwanted opinions."

"Oh, he did, a lot. But that's what I learned to like about Taro. He's honest with me when most people would prefer to lie."

"I don't see your titles first," Taro said. "People shit on you because you're a Prince. They forget you're still human."

Jesse nudged him, hissing, "Language."

"It's true though." Taro looked at Marigold and Haliver. "I bet all those Lords would have jumped at the opportunity to be paired with the man next in line to be King. Would you have chosen the most suitable person, or the most suitable title? You're angry that he's dating a green, but at least I care about him. I'm not bothered if he's King or if he abdicates or whatever this prophecy has in line for him . . . just as long as he gets to be happy. Do you think those Lords would have wanted the same?" Sage's parents didn't reply. "Hate me all you want, but your son's finally being himself."

Haliver sat up straighter, fiddling with a silver cufflink. "You're right, he is honest," he said in a lighter tone and Sage smiled. "You'll have to find a filter if you want to be a part of this family. There are things you just cannot say to the press."

"Yet they can say everything about Sage?" Taro challenged.

Haliver thoughtfully narrowed his cold blue eyes. "It's dangerous to mess with them. If they feel threatened, they'll turn you into a villain. What did you think of Sage before you knew him?"

"That he was a stuck-up snob who cared little about anyone other than himself. Obviously, they were lies, but said so often that people started to believe them. They started looking for the lies. Sage frowns because the suns in his eyes, and suddenly he's ungrateful." Taro slipped his hand into Sage's and squeezed tightly. "I'll work on having a filter. I don't want to make life hard for anyone."

Haliver nodded, smoothing the crease between his brows. He looked to Marigold and sighed with defeat when she refused to meet his gaze. Everyone talked for a little while longer, but the tension was suffocating because of Marigolds silence. She didn't speak again, and Sage felt Taro stiffen and talk a little quieter than usual. Marigold was a beacon of power. Her silence spoke louder than any noise. The hospitality from Dalia was crushed by her still lips.

"We should probably get going now," Jesse said, standing and pulling Nyerian up too. "We don't want to outstay our welcome."

"You're not at all!" Dalia declared, standing too. "But you are welcome back whenever you like! We can exchange contact details." She led them out of the room, and Taro got up too.

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