Chapter 54 - Divulge the Future King

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Sage watched the sun fall behind a frozen hill, as he did most evenings, and crafted a message in his head, one that would change his life forever. After a day full of affection from Taro, Sage wanted to spend every moment with him. He wanted to follow him when it was Taro's turn to scope the cottage grounds. He wanted to follow him when he took Sage's clothes to the laundry room, he wanted to follow him not only daily, but in life too. The thought of Taro Vinea living without him made Sage worry that he was running out of time. He had to make this relationship work between them, and that meant being brave.

How do I tell my family Something like this? Sage didn't want to just blurt it out, he had to craft his words carefully, so it didn't sound like he was unsure. They also had to know straight away about Taro Vinea. They won't like this, especially dad. Pride came first for the Greenthenors, it always had. They could be miserable behind closed doors, as long as the outside word envied everything they had and did. Sage couldn't live that way anymore. He chose Taro, not a crown of thorns.

Taro interrupted his thoughts by entering the room with freshly ironed pyjamas. The wooden door creaked painfully, yet Sage smiled, hoping Taro would always be the reason his thoughts were cut short. Stop it, you'll end up obsessed with him.

"What?" Taro asked, looking at his big grin.

"Nothing- Just ... I don't know- thinking." He cringed internally. Nice one Sage.

"Thinking about anyone in particular?"

"Maybe." Sage chewed his bottom lip. He allowed Taro into his life, more and more each day. He wanted his touch, his smile, his gaze, his flirting tongue all directed his way. Wanting a man's affection wasn't a fault in another man's life. But choosing to ignore it was a mistake that could cost him everything that could make him happy.

Taro hung Sage's pyjamas over the green leather desk chair and stopped right in front of him, so close that the tips of their noses touched. "The cook told me your dinner was almost ready."

"Do you want some water before we go down?" Sage asked, pursing his lips to hide just how much he enjoyed Taro holding his waist.

"Yes." Taro lifted a hand and turned his palm to face the ceiling. Little Ivy vines snaked around his hand. Sage watched, wide eyed as always. The small heart-shaped leaves moved closer and touched his skin. Taro coiled them around his arm, twisting all the way up until a leaf softly brushed Sage's cheek.

"That's amazing," Sage said as if he hadn't seen Taro transform so many times before. He traced his fingers along the vines, watching Taro's lips curve towards a smile.

"It's strange having you admire something I've just always been able to do."

"I don't think I'll ever not find it amazing. It's like my mind refuses to believe it when you're human. And when you're a plant, my mind refuses to believe that you're not just a plant."

Taro chuckled while the vine recoiled and receded up his sleeve. "It still baffles me that you're just a person."

"Boring, I know."

Taro pushed their foreheads together and linked his fingers around Sage's back. "Humans are not boring. You're questionable at times, but definitely not boring."

"Thanks . . . I think." They laughed together. Sage's heart swelled every time he noticed how much happier he was away from home. "Okay, I'm hungry, let's get you some water first."

Taro sat cross-legged on the floor and transformed. Sage shielded his eyes from the green glow and was left looking at a house plant in the middle of his bedroom. He scoffed and shook his head. "That'll never not be strange to witness." He carried Taro to the bathroom and watered him until it dripped from the hole in the bottom of the pot. He stood for a few minutes over the sink, occasionally looking at himself in the mirror.

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