Chapter 35 - Individual Liberty

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"It's nice to hear you say that out loud," Taro said, leaning back on Sage's bed. He winced and rubbed his shoulder.

"Are you alright? I knew you were hurt!" Sage hovered over him with concern.

"Let's not change the subject, you've just admitted your feelings for me." Taro smirked. "Does this mean you're willing to give this thing between us a chance?"

"I'm worried you've not properly thought about it." Sage's head pounded after a day of stress. "Being with me would be like an occupation. You'll be at work every day, just by being by my side. It won't be nice, and the media will hound you. What if they somehow discover you're a plant person? And let's not forget about how the crown will sit on my head one day and I've still not told my family about... how I feel towards... m-men." Sage flopped back too, so they lay shoulder to shoulder. "I'm overthinking again."

Taro was quiet, so Sage turned his head. A calm pair of green eyes graced his own. "Let's take this one day at a time," Taro said. "You risked a lot to save me today. I hope you know that I will do the same for you. I don't care that the journalists will hound me, I don't even care that we'll have to keep this secret for maybe a year, I just care that we can lie here like this after a stressful day."

Sage's body tingled from head to toe. Excitement was too dull of a word to describe the spark in his heart. "You do get all wordy when you're emotional."

Taro scoffed. "And you freak out like I've just shoved you into the courtyard naked."

"This is a lot for me."

"I know." Taro patted the back of Sage's hand and decided to rest it there.

Sage's hand burned from his touch. His heart had a fit in his chest. I can't even control my breathing when he touches me. How can I ever keep this a secret? "Is it a lot for you?"

"Yes. A human knows my true form, that gets tricky. I have to be in my plant form at least once through the day, I don't eat your food, I can't drink anything other than water. Your Lord and Lady friends will notice that I'm not like them."

Worry tied Sage's lungs in knots. "One day at a time," he breathed. "We can work it out." I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this is happening. I can't believe this is happening.

He went to bed feeling lighter than he had ever felt before. He finally had a clear vision of his future. If his feelings for Taro kept growing, he couldn't live without him for the sake of a crown. At least he had a younger brother that would have to take his place if his parents shut him out.

Taro laid next to Sage on the bed. He insisted that his shoulder didn't hurt that bad, and that he was wide awake after a day of sleeping. Sage almost asked if he could sleep a little closer, but no words came out when he opened his mouth. One day at a time.

He curled up in his sheets and tried to go to sleep. He couldn't, his mind wouldn't let him. "Are you sure you're okay with keeping it a secret?" he asked into the darkness.

The sheets ruffled next to him. "I'm more than okay with it," Taro replied. "Don't worry about me, I'll tell you if I'm not happy."

Sage believed him, and that put his mind to rest. "As long as you're definitely sure."

"I am." The sheets ruffled louder, and the bed dipped behind Sage, then something lightly touched his arm. He turned his head, trying to see in the dark. He managed to see an outline of Taro peering over him. Slowly, Taro laid behind him and snaked an arm around his waist. "I won't be here all night," he whispered.

Taro's hand rested over his heart, and Sage's heart didn't calm down for almost thirty minutes. Sage stayed as still as he could. Any slight movement reminded him that Taro rested into his back and held him tightly.

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