Chapter 58 - Luculent Relations

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Summary of the past month: Got Covid, felt pretty ill, fell behind with work, dramatically struggled to catch up with work, Microsoft word expired, couldn't afford to pay for it again, couldn't copy- edit- or save any of my work (I hate using any online versions due to DESGUSTANG wifi at home, realised you can pay for Word monthly, got it back again, caught up with writing, life is now in order. 

Conclusion: Covid's fault.

- Sian

The bath was an award for getting away unnoticed. The pain from the fall was a punishment from doing something so reckless. Sage's shoulder was already bruising, and he hoped that was the only thing wrong with it. The rest of his body was just weak, yet slowly coming back to life as the warm water cradled him.

His face was wiped clean from any dry blood, and his wound was shut with adhesive strips and covered with a large white plaster. He was given some paracetamol and left alone with Taro Vinea to soak in peace. Sage's hazel eyes trailed the unfamiliar room. Katie's parents were people who valued their bath as it was the staple piece, sitting in the middle of the room. A small shower was in one corner, a toilet in the other, a sink in the other, and a door pressed up against the final corner. On the windowsill, a vase of white honeysuckle basked in the cold daylight.

"Do you think we'll be safe here?" he asked Taro who had an arm resting on the side of the bath.

"I hope so, after that journey." He smiled, and Sage relaxed. "We'll be safe for now, at least. I doubt anyone could follow us here. We're in the middle of nowhere and now we're snowed in."

"I have the worst headache."

"I'm not surprised."

"I can't believe I got buried like that. I lost all my energy on that journey." Sage rested his neck against the curve of the bath. The water slowly turned cold, but he didn't want to face people yet. "Only I would make a short journey so dramatic."

"Only you." Taro moved has hand towards the water. Sage lifted his own through the bubbles to link their fingers together.

"How did they know I was at the cottage? That photo was from the room where you fixed my clothes," Sage mumbled. "You don't think someone in the village recognised me, do you?"

"How could they? Only a small part of your face was visible." Taro frowned thoughtfully. "Whoever it was, they'll one day have the day they deserve for doing this to you."

"I can't believe they thought it was okay to publish a picture like that. How do they think this is okay?" Sage felt the tears pricking his eyes. He tried his best to swallow the lump forming at the back of his throat. "I feel like a coward for running."

"You're brave for running. You're such a famous person that if we can pull this off, people will talk about it for centuries."

"Or they can label me a coward and a traitor to the throne."

"They'll blame your family for that one day, you'll see." Taro squeezed his hand. "People will support you. Maybe it won't be as many as those who don't, but you don't need the entire world to love you."

I do have support. Sage could trust Taro, and the guards, and now Katie and her parents who were strangers, yet willing to keep him safe because they were good people. He stared at the vine tattoos on Taro's arm that poked out of his rolled-up sleeve. "What about your mum and your stepdad, have they tried to get in touch?"

"I sent them a text before we left the cottage. I'm yet to see if they've replied. I think they'll be leaving their home too. My mum's a private person, more so because of who we are. The paparazzi will soon find out that they're my parents though."

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