Chapter 21

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I found the perfect song line for Turpin

 "You are the victim, The victim of my love. I dangle up on rooftops, Before I push you off" 

From Aurora's song Animal which is awesome 

Also thank you to @Disneyvillainlife for helping me design this new character! Check out  her awesome stories if you have time

You woke the next day with Turpin caressing your back, he held you close to him and watched your eyes as they fluttered open. He kissed your temple and got up from the bed. "Mr John Bacon will be here in around three hours" he said and got changed into his clothes.

You got up and got dressed into your dress and sat at the window seat. "What is Mr Bacon like?" you asked.

"Young, virile, able and promising" he said. "He would be a good person to pass my knowledge onto"

You nodded and stood. He took your outstretched hand and together went downstairs. You sat while Turpin made sure dinner was set.

"Will you be on your best behaviour?" he asked.

"Of course" you said.

"Good" he murmured. "I don't want anyone taking you from me" he kissed your neck and rubbed your back. "Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes" you mumbled

"Good, now, time for tea" he said and wrang the bell. Turpin kept his hand on your thigh until the tea came, at this point, he crossed his let's and relaxed into the sofa. You did the same and smiled, sipping the warm drink.

"We should do more days like yesterday" Turpin mused. "I enjoyed being close to you"

"I did too" you said, taking his hand.

Turpin smiled at you and stroked your hand with his finger. "I am glad you finally understand I know best" he muttered.

You smiled and sighed. You were beginning to like him more now.  (this Stockholm syndrome uh oh) You sighed and drank more tea, enjoying its flavour and its taste. 

There was a knock on the door and quickly the empty cups were taken away. Turpin rose from his seat and kissed your head before going over to the door and opening it. "Welcome dear boy, come in" he said. "Into the drawing-room"

A tall handsome man in his early 20s came in, he was tall, not as tall as Turpin though. He had beautiful blonde hair with grey-blue eyes. His dress was immaculate and in fashion. He was a proper young gentleman.  The man, John's eyes fell on you and he smiled. You stood and bowed your head. "You must be Mr Bacon" you said.

"I am" he said, he took your hand and kissed it gently, "Who may you be apart from the prettiest woman I have seen today"

"Oh" you laughed and went red. "I am (y/n)"

"Ms (y/n), what a beautiful name for an even more beautiful woman" he said.

You went red again and sat. Turpin was scowling and sat opposite you and Mr Bacon.  "I am so glad for your invite to lunch" Mr Bacon said.  "You have such a lovely house and a beautiful ward"

Your heart stopped, he thought that you where Turpin's ward. You looked at Turpin who scowl grew. "His ward at the moment decided to elope," you said, "I am his wife"

"Oh I am so sorry" he stuttered. "My apologies" 

Turpin scowled as you poured the tea which was placed on the table. 

"Do you take sugar Mr Bacon?" you asked.

"I do Ms (y/n)" he said. "Only one" you put one sugar in his tea and he sipped it. "Wonderful" he said. "Now tell me Ms (y/n)" he said. "I am a great lover of paintings and I have noticed that one" he said pointing to one of yours. "I have never seen any landscape as beautiful."

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