Chapter 40

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You woke from your sleep to see William getting dressed. Slowly you also got up, yawning slightly and going toward the cupboard to get a dress out.

After getting dressed you both went down to breakfast and then out onto the promenade again. You both walked toward the book shop which William had mentioned so you walked into town which was full of interesting shops. Slowly William guided you through the town and into a shop. It was cool and full of books, William let go of your arm and went to a shelf, looking at the novels which were placed neatly. You watched, happy William was enjoying looking around the shop, you meanwhile kept close so that he wouldn't worry. William mostly looked at law books and the odd fiction, picking up different things as he went. Your eyes slightly brushed the shelves when your eyes caught a book. Picking it out you had a read of the cover and then the back, the book was Emma by Jane Austin and it seemed quite interesting so you kept a hold of it, tucking it under your arm and following William further around the store.

"What is that you have there?" William asked.

"A book" you said, "Emma by Jane Austin"

William took it from you and placed it with the other books he held and went toward the counter, paid and placed them in a paper bag. You followed William out of the shop happy that William had allowed you to have a book, you were worried he might refuse.

You both stopped at the cafe and had tea and cake, watching the people and carriages go up and down. You took out your sketchpad and started to draw the street while William watched you, his tea in his hand. He loved how your art was flowing and you made it look so easy. He looked away, went into the paper bag and took out a book which he had bought and started to read, his hair slightly went in front of his face. He held the book in one hand and his tea in the other, his legs were crossed, he looked very handsome and you shot him a look, smiling at your husband slightly before going back to the drawing.

You decided not to paint this drawing and tucked it in your pocket, looking over to William who was focused on reading, it seemed to be a book about law, being rather large and thick. When William looked over to see you had finished your painting he put the book away and looked at you. "Have you finished?" He asked.

You nodded and William stood, pushing his hair back from his forehead slightly and taking your arm as you walked together down the street, relaxed and happy. You had not thought about your trauma at all today, relaxed and happy with William who was being kinder than usual, it made you happy that he was looking after you.

Wiliam stopped in front of a shop and peered in, looking at the suits at the window, one seemed to have caught his eye, so while he went in, you walked back to the promenade and sat, relaxing in the slight breeze which blew. You felt someone tap your shoulder and you looked up to see Jane and Sue. You grinned, "Hey" you said as the two sat at each side of you.

"Hello (y/n)" Jane said. "We saw you before, however, you were with someone so we did not want to disturb you"

"Oh, where did you see me?" you asked.

"Outside a cafe" Sue said.

"Oh yes" you said, smiling, "I was with my husband"

"Ahh yes we thought as much" Jane said.

You heard a couch behind you and you turned to see William had appeared.

"Ladies" he said respectfully, smiling slightly

"Hello sir" they both said, standing and shaking William's hand.

"Well we had better leave" Jane said. "Goodbye (y/n), Judge"

William bowed slightly as they both left, allowing William to sit next to you and cross his legs, looking at the view.

"Did you buy the suit?" you asked.

"No" William said, lacing his fingers together.

You nodded slowly, watching the sea and the fishing boats as they milled around slowly. It was a wonderfully lazy day, the sun high in the sky and the breeze cooled your face slightly. William was also enjoying himself and took your hand, lacing his fingers through yours and stroking your hand with his thumb. You in response leaned slightly into him, sighing in happiness and closing your eyes slightly. You felt William kiss your head and he carried on holding your hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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