🍋Chapter 23

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Turpin started to kiss you and grabbed you by the neck, squeezing it so your head after a while felt woozy. He carried on squeezing and kissing for a little time until he got over on top of you, his hands let go and started to feel your curves and pulling your dress and undergarments off but his lips stayed on yours. Your fingers went to his coat and he smirked. "Hasty are we little one?" he teased. "You said you wished to be punished dear".

"Maybe" you murmured.

"For what?" he asked.

You managed to wiggle out of Turpin's hold and ran toward the door, Turpin grabbed you and pulled you back, chuckling. "You're running away from me?" he asked in your ear.

"Not anymore" you said.

Turpin chuckled and rammed you against the bed. He took his tie off and tied your hands to the metal footboard so you were standing. "God you make me hard" he muttered, pushing you against the metal. He kissed your back and started to rub your clit, you moaned against the bedpost and held onto it as he went faster. Turpin chuckled and slapped your clit with his hand, before stroking it again with the ball of his palm. You moaned louder and Turpin smirked. "You love this don't you" he whispered lustily in your ear. "You love being mine". He went slower, grabbing your breast in his other hand and squeezing hard. You whimpered and he smirked, squeezing again and kissing and nibbling your back. You try to thrust into his fingers, enjoying the way he rubbed you.

"No" he muttered and slapped your clit again. You nodded and tried to keep standing with his fingers making you want to collapse into him. You carried on gripping to where you were tied, letting Turpin carry on stimulating your clit and rubbing his fingers all over you. "William" you moaned. "You mustn't orgasm until I say so" he muttered and kissed your back. "Keep it" he muttered into your ear. "If you do I will reward you, and you love being my good girl yes?"

"Yes" you stuttered out and tried to keep your orgasm back.

"I will take you to the opera and then to dinner" he muttered. "You will love it and that will be your reward. If you orgasm now I will not touch you for a week and I will give you the silent treatment for 3 days"

You whined and shut your eyes and gripped the bed, holding it from what seemed to be forever.

"Cum" he muttered, you moaned, allowing waves of pleasure to fall over you. You bucked into his fingers and panted. "Dirty girl" he muttered, he pushed his fingers through your folds and sucked your taste of his fingers. "I will be back" he muttered and left the room, leaving you tied to the bed.

You rubbed your thighs together, still feeling your orgasm slightly. You decided to sit, your hands were above you but it allowed you to be in a slightly more comfortable position. You sat there for you didn't know how long, your fingers slowly getting cramped.

When Turpin returned he had something tucked under his arm. He untied your wrists and picked you up, placing you on the bed. "I went out" he said. "And got something for you" he placed the parcel on the bed and you opened it.

"A new stay and slip?" you asked and looked up at him "William, thank you"

He smiled and kissed you gently. "I thought I should buy you something nice" he murmured. "Seeing as you did so well a couple days ago with Mr Bacon" you sighed and kissed him back. He also brought out his pocket two tickets. "Marriage of Figaro" he said "Mozart's new opera" He placed it down on the side table and smiled. You grind in excitement and hugged him close. Turpin hugged you back, his heartbeat and he smiled, stroking your hair with his free hand, his other arm snaking around you.

"now my girl" he muttered, picking you up and putting you into the bed. "I want to feel you" he muttered, taking his clothes off his body quickly, leaving them on the floor, "You have no idea how much I want to be in you" he muttered, kissing your neck and pushing himself inside you. You moaned and Turpin began to snap his hips sharply into you, his dick thrusting faster and faster into you. "Daddy" you moaned, bucking your hips with him and panting in pleasure.

"Yes, little one?" he asked, breathing against your neck.

"Faster, please" you moaned. He moved faster into you, grabbing your clit and rubbing it at the same pace. You moaned again and put your head back, grabbing Turpin's shoulders and pushing him closer to you.

He fucked you faster and faster until he felt his dick twitch and he moaned, starting to slow a little, his orgasm falling over him. He came into you and carried on thrusting until your orgasm washed over you and you laid back painting. Turpin laid on your chest and stroked your hips, his dick nestled far into you. "You make me happy" he murmured. You smiled and kissed his head.

You both laid together for a while, enjoying the feeling of him inside you, he changed positions and moved you so you lay looking at each other and brought the blanket over the both of you. He hugged you into you and you felt his dick becoming soft inside you, soon you fell asleep in his warm arms.

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