Chapter 29

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You woke with William gently stroking your neck with his finger. You yawned and looked at him, smiling slightly.

"Good morning" you mumbled.

"Good morning sweet one" he murmured, carrying on stroking your neck. "Today is an exciting day" he purred.

"How come?" you ask.

"Today we are going to the opera" he said, "I promised two weeks ago, didn't I?"

"You did" you said, smiling.

"The opera and dinner?" he asked, stroking your lip.

You nodded and he kissed your lips gently. Suddenly you felt sick and clamped your hand to your mouth.

"Darling?" William asked as you stumbled toward the bathroom and threw up.

William rushed after you and sat down holding you to himself and gently rocking you. "What happened?" he cooed, stroking your hair gently. "Just a bad stomach?" he asked, caressing it gently.

You nodded, still feeling a little sick.

"We can get you some broth to calm it, okay?"

You nodded as William gently picked you up and led you toward the dining room, his hands in yours. As you sat he went off to command the cook to make some broth for you and him. He returned with the maid trotting behind him with tea. You took a cup and put it to your lips only to put it down, frowning slightly. "My stomach still feels bad" you murmured. "I don't think I can drink that"

"Oh darling" William cooed. "I am sure it will pass"

It didn't. Neither of you went to the theatre that night, your stomach aches and you felt sick even taking a step. William decided it would be best to send for the doctor. Although you tried to wave it off as just a stomach bug, William didn't take that as an answer and the doctor came the next day.

You sat on the bed, sighing, you had been sick again today and you could hear the two of them outside, talking about you.

"Do you think she is lying again?" the doctor asked.

"I do not know" William answered.

"Women are known for it, lying about pregnancy" the doctor answered and with that, he opened the door. William stood behind him and frowned, deep in thought.

The doctor prodded you and made you pee in a jar to take tests with it later. The whole ordeal made you feel awful and sicker than before. By the end of the testing, you just wanted to sleep this all off but you wanted to hear what the two men would say. So when they left the room you crept to the door and put your ear to it.

"Yes, she is pregnant" the doctor said. "I will test the urine further but all the signs are there"

William didn't reply to the pregnant statement, instead just thanking the doctor and going downstairs with him. You sighed, sitting against the wall behind the door. Did William not want a child? He seemed intent on treating you as you were some kind of child yourself. You had no idea what would happen, maybe he would want to abort it? You were scared of what William would say when he came back into the room, so you stayed behind the door, against the wall.

William didn't come upstairs for a while, and when he did he slowly opened the door. "Darling?" he asked.

"Here" you mumbled.

Wiliam closed the door and looked surprised at where you were. "What are you doing down there sweetness?" he asked, slowly getting on his knees in front of you. "Were you hiding from me?"

"No" you said, "I just"

"What is the issue?" William asked gently, reaching out and cupping your cheek.

"I am just scared" you mumbled.

"I understand" he said, stroking your lips. "But it's okay, because you will look beautiful when you have your bump." he smirked. "It shows you are mine, and this consolidates it"

"Does it?" you asked.

"Yes" he said, putting his hand against your stomach. "You have me inside you and that" he smirked, "That makes me very happy"

You smiled slightly and William kissed your stomach, rubbing it further. "I cannot wait to see them" he said. "I care not for the gender, just that we have a child"

"I wonder if it will look like you" you murmured, smiling slightly.

"Indefinitely" he said, smirking.

You giggled, meeting his lips with yours. William smirked himself, stroking your stomach.

"Careful love, you don't want to exhaust yourself" he cooed, picking you up and laying you on the bed. "We wouldn't want that, me or the baby" he caressed your stomach and looked at it hungrily. "Now sleep" he cooed. "I will join you soon darling" he smirked and went to the door, opening and closing it gently.

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