Chapter 22

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You woke to a smacking headache. "Agh" you moaned and put your hand to your head. You were dizzy and rolled over into the empty side of the bed. His side was cold. You sighed and tried to get out of bed only to fall. Your head spun and you sat up against the bed, you wiped your eyes and tried to get back up again. You fell again but Turpin caught you and put you back on the bed.  He kissed your head and stroked your hair. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. "do you need anything?"

"I need a drink" you mumbled.

He put a glass of water to your lips and you drank the water. "You must rest" he murmured. "I punished that man" he ran your fingers through your hair and kissed your head. "He is no longer employed in my company" you nodded and sighed, grabbing his hand. "I wish I could stop the pain" he mumbled and kissed your cheek. 

"Will you take a mistress?" you asked suddenly.

"What do you mean little one?" he asked.

"The doctor said to take a mistress if I couldn't have children" you mumbled.

Turpin started to chuckle and kissed your chin. "Why would I do that?" he asked, "hm?"

"Because you hate me, for running away, for not having your child" Turpin put his finger to your lips and shushed you.  "I will not take a mistress" he murmured. "Because I have never found someone as beautiful as you or as charming of company" You grinned and he smiled. "You know I love you" he kissed you passionately, but carefully not to hurt your head. "I wish only to love and serve you"

You kissed him back and sighed into his lips. Your noses touched and you giggled "Oh William" you mumbled.  "Why did you hurt me?" you mumbled quietly.

"Because I wish you to only be safe" he mumbled. "And to be safe you must follow my instructions. Naughty girls get punished and good girls get praised." 

"What if I am a naughty girl?" you mumbled, biting your lip and he smirked. 

"Not know when you are hurt" he murmured. "As soon as you are better I will make sure you will be punished the way you wish. And I will enjoy it very much" You shivered and watched him stand. "Now darling, tea and pastries" he said and left.

Turpin came back and started to feed you the pastry, enjoying your giggles and your sighs. He handed you some tea and you took a sip, enjoying the warmth. "Daddy" you murmured. 

"Yes little one?" he asked.

You patted the bed next to you and Turpin chuckled. "Little one I must work" he murmured. He kissed your head. "I will be back though" he kissed you on the lips, not wanting to leave but after a while, he let go and left the house. 

After a little while, you decided to get out of bed and started to paint for a while. Then you went downstairs, you looked at your painting and smiled. It really did brighten the room. You went over to the bookcase and opened a book. You stared. Naked women and different diagrams. "This is weird" you mumbled and carried on reading. You put it back and got another one out. It was another book, this time in French. Turns out Turpin is a really kinky bitch. You decided to pick one out at random and went upstairs to investigate. It was called Aristotle's Master-Piece. You frowned and opened it, flicking to a page

" When the husband cometh into his wives chamber, he must entertain her with all kind of dalliance, wonton behaviour and allurements to venery: but if he perceives her to be flow and more told, he must cherish, embrace and tickle her, and shall not abruptly, the nerves being Suddenly distended, break into the Feild of nature, but rather shall creep little by little, intermixing more wanton kisses with wanton words and speeches, for  he length of the womb will venry, for fo at legenth the womb will thrive and wax fever net with a desire of crafting forth it's own seed, and reviving the man's seed to be mixed together there with."

You put the book down and giggled. This is what Turpin had been following.  You looked again.

" Contraception may be made and what length is a child formed and born. And that it may have better successes the husband must not prefently fenarate himself from his wives embraces, lest the air strike into the open womb and fo corrupt the seeds before they are perfectly mixed together."

You looked at the weird pictures and giggled at how they were drawn. 

This was an odd book you thought and laying it down you laid under the covers, the book still next to you

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This was an odd book you thought and laying it down you laid under the covers, the book still next to you. As you fell asleep you thought of Turpin, did he really use this handbook? If he did it showed, but you would prefer a man who knew what he was doing than not at all, and who also understood the woman's perspective of sex which Arasotitle seemed to talk off. You sighed and snuggled closer into the blanket, thinking of strange drawn creatures and Turpin.

You woke a little time later and yawned. You saw the book was no more in your clutches and you looked around. Turpin sat at the window seat, reading the book, flipping through its pages. He looked up and smiled. "You found my collection of books" he said, coming over to you and placing the book on the bed. 

"I find then quite funny" you mumble.

Turpin rolled his eyes and shook his head. "They are supposed to be educational" he murmured. He raised his eyebrows at you and you giggled. Turpin stroked your curves and stroked your lip gently, enjoying your sighs. "I can tell you feel better" he murmured. 

"Maybe" you murmured. 

"Your teasing" he murmured and kissed your lips. He liked how you were more comfortable with him to gently tease him. He shook his head and got up, going over to a jug of water.

"How was work?" you asked sweetly.

Turpin turned around and put the glass to his lips and took a sip. "Why?" he asked.

"I just wondered" you murmured.

He put the glass down and stroked your hair. "Just the usual" he said. "I missed you though" It was your turn to raise your eyebrows and he frowned "You do not believe me?" he asked. You shrugged. "Do you want me to do to you what I was thinking in work darling?"

Your eyes widened and you nodded. 

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